About Nadis Herbal
Nadis Herbal is a store, located at Jl. Suweta, Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-3816-024, visit their website www.baliherbalwalk.com for more detailed information.
Nadis Herbal is a store, located at Jl. Suweta, Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-3816-024, visit their website www.baliherbalwalk.com for more detailed information.
Elvira Tagirova
" Lovely!!!!! Very affordable price for high quality. "
09 May 2018Lesya T
" Very good cosmetics, not expensive, all organic. Very nice lady, who offered tea and talked about herbs "
06 May 2018Isabelle Rausch-Müller
" very nice herbal walks! Good products! "
03 May 2018Rachel Farley
" I went on the herbal walk and then took the jamu and medicine making class. Both were anazing, as are Nadis Herbal's incredible products. They really care about good health. "
11 March 2018Andriy Bahlay
" We are visiting this place third year in a row. Good quality and price. "
08 March 2018Miko Teguh
" Aneka produk herbal untuk pwrawaran tubuh bisa anda twmukan di sini... "
10 November 2017MJ Klein
" Westi and Lelir possess a fantastic knowledge of herbal healing. They are wonderful people to get to know, and their products are first rate! "
01 September 2017Rony Priyana
" Sell wide variety of essential oil, soap bar, lotion, lip balm at affordable price "
18 July 2017Betz Sarah
" I had a very good time doing the herbal walk and the jamu course : the young woman that shew me the different préparations has a perfect english and was really friendly. I learned a lot about natural cosmetics and remedies and was pleased to go home with my products. "
30 June 2017Kim McEvilly
" Very knowledgeable lady here. She knows her Stock and what each herb is good for. Gives tea and nibbles, and sound advice!
15 May 2017I'll be back. "
Marc Delobel
" Le concept du cours de cosmétiques est top ! Notre profil était à l'écoute et bien veillante. Je recommande ! "
17 April 2017김수현
" 뭐..유기농 비누, 오일, 샴푸, 차 등 다양한 것을 팝니다. 코우보단 싸구요. 특히 코코넛오일이 저렴하였습니다. 2~3000원사이. 4신문지로 만든 종이백이 신선하였구요. 직원들이 약간...자기들끼리 시시덕거리는 분위기라 혼자 갔을 때 뻘쭘하긴 했습니다. 특이하게 그린망고비누가 있어 구매하였는데 무난합니다. 샘플형 미니비누가 1000원 안되서 사보기 좋습니다. "
26 March 2017Nori
" ここに行く人は少ないと思うけど、Jamuのお店です。 "
25 March 2017Boris Borchert
" Das Spannende an diesem Laden ist, dass er nicht nur diverse Kräuterprodukte wie z. b. Massageöle oder Cremes bietet, sondern dass es eine Kräuterführung durch die nahen Reisfelder gibt. die englischsprachige Führung führt durch eine traumhaft schöne Reisfeldlandschaft. Am Wegesrand werden die dort wachsenden Kräuter erklärt und wofür sie verwendet werden. Es gibt einen Zwischenstop, um frische Kokosmilch zu trinken. Die Tour ist ist wirklich informativ und empfehlenswert. Gleichzeitig bieten sich wunderschöne Fotomotive der Reisfeldlandschaft. also unbedingt die Kamera mitnehmen. Die Führerin war eine Einheimische, die auch etwas über die Reisbauern und ihre Arbeit erzählen konnte. "
14 January 2017