About Domino's Pizza Indonesia
Domino's Pizza Indonesia is a meal delivery, located at Jalan Raya Kerobokan No.98, Banjar Taman, Kerobokan Kelod, Kuta Utara, Kerobokan Kelod, Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 361 4741295, visit their website dominos-pizza-indonesia.business.site for more detailed information.
Iwan Gunawan
" Markas IEP.... the best tv production "
21 May 2018Silver Surfer
" Domino Pizza is also a nice pizza parlour.. Nice pizza wih a good price... "
16 May 2018Ika Meiliana
" Domino pizza at ruko Central Park have a stinky smell when you open the door to enter the place. "
14 May 2018Richan
" The menu and choice of food and beverage at Domino's Pizza is pretty much, with relative prices still affordable. The cheese is delicious, the cheese is strong enough. The place to eat is cozy but cramped. "
10 May 2018Verry Bethel
" have fun "
" Kejunya melting "
03 May 2018Willy Kusuma
" My favorites pizza "
02 May 2018Dhani M
" I find the many special pizza offers cool. Not to mention the 30 minutes delivery guarantee makes the pizzas worth the money. Staff are also friendly. "
26 April 2018Gladys Datita
" slow service "
22 April 2018Billy Aguw
" place to have a quick bite "
09 April 2018Lois Ho
" Cozy, tasty pizza, AC, music, and free wifi. All you need is here "
20 March 2018ANUGERAH PRINTING 087781880136
" ENAK PIZZA nya. "
20 March 2018Winda Maharani
" Our favorite pizza place for take out and delivery. The hand tossed dough is thinner and crunchyer than other competitor. Tasty side dish, competitive price. They also offer promotion for ordering online via apps.
14 March 2018The only thing need improvement is delivery time. If they also guarantee 30 minute arrival just like competitor then we will always ordering our pizzas from this place. "
Tommy Christanto
" Where you can find fine π pizza "
14 March 2018Eko Purwanto
" Nice place ......Great Pizza "
01 March 2018Luci Santoso Natanegara
" Fast reception and placing an order...good and comfy place for quick bites of delicious pizza "
01 March 2018Timo Tessa
" cheap bread but no topping "
24 February 2018Kevin Sucianto
" 5 stars for the service and speed.
18 February 20183 stars for the taste. "
" Domino's Pizza always making a great taste pizza with many choices and reasonable price, there standard recipes and baking always satisfying me, great job Domino's π "
07 February 2018Tia Suryaningsih
" Favorite pizaa... Yummiiii "
01 February 2018Roby Hermawan
" Getting cheaper but the taste .... "
24 January 2018Cindy Leoni
" Good service , really a nice place to study alone while eating pizza or others , but they got no wifi x_x "
23 January 2018Eko Purwanto
" Nice food & good place "
23 January 2018Robert Ompusunggu
" Lot of parking space. Cheap parking cost with non hourly parking rate. Smoking area facing main road. Not much space inside restaurant, but still good place to enjoy pizza. "
04 January 2018Rudhy Hartawan
" The best pizza in town with affordable price "
29 December 2017Thaufiex Oneal
" Top "
23 December 2017Kris Rasta
" Nice place, good ambient. Very cheap prices with lots variants of pizzas, teas, and meals. "
22 December 2017Hasan Johanes
" Not a nice place. Price is cheaper than Pizza Hut. "
20 December 2017Kevin Batubara
" Good place. Easy to notice "
20 December 2017Adam Taufik
" Good service, quite room. Strategic location "
17 December 2017Adhie Wijaya
" Great pizza "
19 November 2017Ruli K.a
" delicious pizza, good services, and high speed internet access "
14 November 2017Setyono Yono
" Ok... π "
26 October 2017Fajar Sari
" My fave pizza πππ "
21 October 2017Ursula Marselia
" Kind a cozy place to hangout "
14 October 2017Gery Jonian
" Good service and tasty pizza "
09 October 2017Peter Wayne
" Nice place but a little crowded. "
07 October 2017Nico Rezaldy
" Small place to enjoy pizza, equipped with prayer room and smoking area at the balcony. "
06 October 2017Arief Pokto
" Great place to get your dominos !! I usually get them deliver though. The parking spot is kind of small. "
01 October 2017Annisa W
" Pretty cosy "
25 September 2017Muhammad Yoga
" Good place to meet up "
24 September 2017Dicky Apriady
" Nice place "
17 September 2017Eko Purwanto
" Nice place.Good food "
14 September 2017Jason Lee
" Good food..nice service "
28 August 2017Marcellina Hadi
" Cozy place , fast and good service , nice furniture , good place to spend time with friends or family "
16 August 2017Arief Putra Setiawan
" Simple place in the middle Bekasi, nice service "
26 July 2017Angga Prima Hendra
" Cozy place. "
25 July 2017Ronny Tan
" If you need to fast bite can try this. Just infront of artha gading mall so after your stomach full can direct shop in the mall "
23 July 2017Weng Kee Sim
" Standard domino pizza, great service, free WiFi, sign up the apps for better deal "
22 July 2017Tesalonika Broery Agustin
" Good place to eat pizza. They got free wifi and free parking but kinna hard to find any parking spot here "
14 July 2017Steven L Santoso
" Simple yet offers all services of a Domino's Restaurant standard "
14 July 2017Maria Kay
" love their thin crust pizza...fast service "
06 July 2017Henry Daniel
" Not so many queue "
02 July 2017Irnanto Triaji
" Wuzzz wuzzz kilat banget pesen pizza disini "
30 June 2017Nikita Yuka Risatriana
" Fast and nice service. "
28 June 2017Hendy Sugiarto
" Standard domino pizza place "
21 June 2017Haze Hadi
" Ok "
21 June 2017Nathaniel Bagas Pranadhitama
" Pokoknya enak lah "
19 June 2017Erwin Panigoro
" Delicious pizza with various menu. "
14 June 2017M Haikal Anatama
" Nice "
11 June 2017Stanislaus Arya Luhur Pambudi
" delicious pizza, affordable, often some promos available "
09 June 2017Taufik Piliang
" Pizza lumayan, tapi interior didalem kurang nyaman. "
09 June 2017Iin Tan
" Cosy place, good food, nice service "
08 June 2017Vira Xeva
" Love pizza here. Pretty cheap especially if you hang out with some friend. The place is nice and the pizza is delicious. Try some rice. Love it "
26 May 2017Muhamad Haikal
" not bad.. "
21 May 2017Yuliwanto Dedi Saputro
" Ruangan sejuk "
09 May 2017Muhamad Arsyad Tuasikal
" Good place to hangout and less expensive pizza "
21 April 2017Jamessoppy Hsieh
" Easy to park "
18 April 2017Samsudin Samsudin
" Good "
16 April 2017Ajis Ajjach
" Mantap "
11 April 2017Slamet Riswandi
" Low price, delicious though "
08 April 2017Hadi Rismansyah
" Rasanya juara "
29 March 2017Alexander HFF
" Good & fast services "
28 March 2017Ifan Blackmore
" Difficult to park car....... "
21 March 2017Koko BSD
" good pizza "
19 March 2017Stick GH
" 15 minutes? Right... "
17 March 2017Franciano Lengkong
" Good taste n moderate rate...many student try menu here, small parking place available.... "
16 March 2017Desmal Andi
" Good service and quick response "
14 March 2017Angga Nakajima
" It is simple pizza store , and I love simplicity.. "
28 February 2017Agquiline Novianty
" Take my online order, the crews really friendly and helpful "
27 February 2017Supri Attin
" Tmpat nya asyik, pelayanan nya ramah. Tx "
17 February 2017Zakaria Scorp
" Tempat nya strategis pelayanan delivery expert dan menu nya enak & lezat "
11 February 2017Mifta Farid Sah Putra
" Pelayanan bagus, ontime. ππ»ππ»ππ» "
02 February 2017Barona Sedotwc
" Oke "
20 January 2017Hi Naning
" Tempat nyaman untuk ngobrol sambil ngerjain tugas. Harga promo lewat aplikasi banyak pilihan "
16 January 2017M.T. Pahlevi
" Nice price, good pastas and pizzas "
09 January 2017Yulia Rachmawati
" Delicious pizza "
06 January 2017Amin Ridho
" Nice for eat "
24 December 2016ASEP KURNIAWAN
" Bagi yang yang lapar tp males jalan ya tinggal tlpon aja, orderan pasti dikirim "
23 December 2016Fahimah Hapsari Utami
" Nice place "
19 December 2016Oka Lisnata
" Mending cm lamaaaa "
28 November 2016Vinno Ramadian Tedjo
" Love the pizza "
25 November 2016M Fathul Amin
" Mantap murmer "
12 November 2016Mugi Panji Wardhana
" Love "
08 November 2016Amn Pt
" Bahan bakunya fresh. "
20 September 2016Boby Amrie
" Pizzanya enak, bisa delivery order. "
19 September 2016Indrianie Widayati
" Good service "
16 September 2016Andhika Erlangga
" Tempatnya bagus & menu makannnya variatif, pelayanannya juga memuaskan. "
14 September 2016Kezia Rikha
" Harganya murah dan banyak promo tapi pelayanannya buruk banget. Mbaknya ga friendly "
11 September 2016Jurike Armanto
" Kids love it. Can home deliver when I'm not cooking "
02 September 2016Maz Hendro
" Nisa delivery order.. melayani sampai daerah agus salim dan sekitarnya.. "
25 August 2016Eka Susanti
" Pizza timeee πππ "
23 August 2016Hero Agoes Santoso
" Makanan pizza enak kedua setelah pizza marzano...hahaha.... "
19 August 2016Fitri Hanesty
" Providing Domino's pizza but doesn't provide a dine in I suppose, because there were only 2 pairs of seats and tables when I was there. This place is more for takeaways. "
19 August 2016Iman Prastyo
" Nice place to chit-chat and have a good time with friends and families "
18 July 2016Aria Dhika Rayendra
" Really tasty, amazing interior and fast delivery when needed "
04 May 2016Hari Hars
" lebih murah kalau pesan online πππ "
15 April 2016Ahmad Irfan
" Good place "
19 March 2016Devita Oktavia Safitri
" Ok tempatnya "
14 February 2016LuckyGuy 354
" Enak dan murah "
08 September 2015Muhamad Rizky
" Dominos jimbaran ciledug paling uwoke deh tempatnya bersih karyawannya maco maco alias mantan cowo. Wkwkwkw "
01 September 2013Mardiana Widia Ningrum
" Pizza plg enak di cldk. toppingnya banyak dan rotinya tipis. "
24 March 2013