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About DNI Skin Center

DNI Skin Center is located at Jl. Raya Puputan, Dangin Puri Klod, Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80234, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 361 265010, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 35

Gayatri Ayu

" Very good quality and professional ?? "

21 May 2020

Dayu Adnanthari

" best treatment with affordable price :) "

21 May 2020

Guntur Hutajulu

" What a great clinic ! The doctor's so fine and the treatment's awesome ! Can't wait to come again (y) "

19 May 2020


" Great place for treatment! "

31 December 2019

Sabtya Marketingdni

" Good klinik for beauty "

28 December 2019

Riri Kadarini

" Good service n very recommended "

23 December 2019

Rahayu Ningsih

" DNI products are the best skincare products I have ever used.
I have used it for 8 years. "

15 November 2019

Mahalakshmi Nirvana

" Great place and big diskon for treatment packages "

26 July 2019

Nue Biru

" Visit this place for 1st time and i’ve got old-school sensation for this building. But overall the staff and therapist are quite nice. And you can get affordable price for any treatments. Worth it to try. "

12 April 2019

Tary Mantra

" Very good service, comfortable place, im very satisfied sure will be back again :) "

30 March 2019

Tary Mantra

" Very good service, comfortable place, im very satisfied sure will be back again :) "

30 March 2019

Elice Wijaya

" Professional doctor. Great place with reasonable price. Nice staff 👍👍👍👍👍 "

30 March 2019

Elice Wijaya

" Professional doctor. Great place with reasonable price. Nice staff 👍👍👍👍👍 "

30 March 2019

Ratih Nukana

" Good place, nice stafs 👍🏻⭐️ "

29 March 2019

Nina Dattani

" Very disappointed with consultation and the treatment. I had 5 treatments on my card. When I went for my 5th treatment i was told all my treatment had finished! But they would give me a treatment for reduced price, i refuse and left. This place is only interested in money and the treatments are not worth the money. Turn over of staff is just unbelievable, proving substandard service. "

28 December 2018

Delia M

" Murah sih buat kelas "obat dokter". Tapi entah knapa, setelah cuci muka pake gelnya yg anti jerawat, garis ketawa malah makin jelas. Keriput juga. Memang muka jadi elastis tapi keriputnya juga nambah. Serum agingnya pun gak ngaruh apa2 di kulit. Bagusnya, produk ini gak bikin kulit ketagihan. "

30 October 2018

Bali Wellness Retreat & Bali Yoga Travel

" Lots of treatments and a very affordable price. "

31 August 2018

Wan Muhamad Syafiq

" Dokter spesialis kulit yang tidak ada pengalaman sekali tidak tahu menangani masalah kulit malah mau uang aja. Saya selepas rawatan wajah nya lg rusak. Dokter nya tidak membantu langsung.. malah di suruh beli produk yang tidak berkesan sekali. Jelek banget. Buang buang uang aja, sebelum rawatan kulit wajah nya bagus bagus aja sekarang sudah rusak. Goblok! "

06 June 2018

Amirah Syahirah

" I had dermaroller+ prp done by Dr. Ria ( the so called famous doctor) on May 10th. So when the procedure was taking place, the doctor told me that my face so hard to bleed and she wanted my face to bleed as she claimed that its good when its bleed so therefore she rolled the needle on my face on a same place for many times and with so much pressure and left me with red stripes and one appeared with so obvious ( which supposed not to happen) so I thought it was ok since shes the doctor, she must know all the do's and dont's! After 1 week, my skin started to peel off and know what?! It left me with one red mark which is very very obvious. So i went back to the doctor for consultation. And suprisingly, she didnt do anything instead jus prescribed me with topical cream to apply for a week which I need to buy also! ( Its their fault so why I should buy?) Without asking, I bought and used it as prescribed! Know what? I dont see any difference at all. So I came back to consult, she then prescribed me again with another cream. 1 week past, yet still the second cream doesnt work on me! The mark is getting obvious day by day( so ugly) I then met Dr. Dharma ( owner) who I thought will solve my problems! I was wrong. All he did was just saying ohh that is apart of the healing process and it will go off soon. When I asked what is this mark? Is is post inflammatory hyperpigmenation? He said no. Okay as a skin specialist he must know better, so I trusted him and waited for another 2 weeks! ( Logically thinking, skin will regenerate new skin every 2 weeks) so after 2 weeks the mark still there anddddd its gettiing darker and worst! I then came back to consult with Dr. Ria since Dr Dharma is hard to reach. So I came and know what??? She said its not her fault and its getting better ( Im not blind, I can tell if its getting better or not! (They running from responsiblity) And I was left me with no solutions!!!! They dont take responsibility at all for what they have done!! And its been a month already this mark on face. I dont know what to do with this ugly mark on my face, I am helpless!! Very bad service with bad outcomes!!! Doctor is not professional at all, not knowledgeable about skin and very careless!!! My advice, do no go to this clinic unless you want to experience what I experienced!! My money wasted just like that!! All I got was an ugly mark left on my face!!!! "

06 June 2018

Retno Susanti

" Ini pertama kalinya datang ke DNI. Kesan pertamanya baik, aku dijelasin secara rinci tentang permasalahn kulit dan cara mengatasinya oleh dokter. Pelayanannya ramah, tempatnya tenang dan nyaman, waktu itu aku melakukan treatment ultra peeling glowing. Sel sel kulit matiku mengelupas, mukaku bersih dan sedikit glowing. Waktu itu aku datang di DNI cab Nangka Selatan yang posisinya deket banget sama kantor. Cocok banget nih pulang kerja langsung perwatan disana. "

29 April 2018


" This clinic is totally commercial & not effective. I had come four time here to take care of my pimple, in particular 1 pimple on my cheek. When the 1st & 2nd time, they only treat me with injection pimple. But then it gone worst, it bigger until the size of an almond. Then they told me to find Dr. Darma (their skin specialist), he performed me twice incision. But in the end, it did not cure anything!!! I had lost time, money and especially PAIN !!! They are really really COMMERCIAL CLINIC whom SUCK & CARELESS!!! "

17 April 2018

Biebie Qing

" Sy sudah 2 x peeling flek Dan 3 x suntik flek tapi kenpa prasaan flek nya makin byk pdhal menurut dokternya flek saya tipis 2x suntik sudah bisa hilang tp ni da 5 x perawatan malah makin nyebar flek nya saya merasa kecewa "

05 April 2018

Dewi Rahayu

" Good price good treatment 😊😘 "

15 March 2018


" Good "

10 January 2018

Desy Rosita

" Sudah hampir dua tahun pakai dni.. hasilny memuaskan.. jerawat hilang.. skrg lg proses ngilangin bekas jerawat 😊 "

03 November 2017

Dewagde Satya

" Mukaku jdi bersih cinnn "

06 October 2017

Maitri NS

" Diberikan cream kosong tapi tidak ada permintaan maaf sama sekali dari kasir. Kacau. Padahal langganan. Jadi mikir lagi buat kesini. "

16 August 2017

Widdy Antheaniy

" Produk DNI bagus bgt, aku cocok bgt perawatan disini. Tempatnya nyaman dan semua yang mengerjakan treatmennya itu org medis. "

01 August 2017

Mia Sutamiarii

" Terimakasih dni, berkat memakai produk dari dni dan treatment di dni jerawat di wajah saya jadi hilang, bopeng juga gk keliatan lagi, pokoknya puas banget deh,terimakasih ya DNI "

01 August 2017

Rosfin Libra

" Awalny wajahku ga membengkak kayak skrang lho... Jadi nyesal aq tanam benang di DNI ini.. Bukan nya pipi ama hidung jadi bagus di bikin malah jadi bengkak semua..bikin orang jadi tambah jelek malahan..uda gitu habis 7jutaan lagi aq, jancok! "

14 May 2017

Maitri NS

" Diberikan cream kosong tapi tidak ada permintaan maaf sama sekali dari kasir. Kacau. Padahal langganan. Jadi mikir lagi buat kesini. "

04 May 2017

Wayan Desi

" Hai aku desy pelanggan setia D&I skin centre...aku baru aja selesai perawatan di D&I...pelayanannya memuaskan banget...therapisnya hebat-hebat banget...
Puas banget perawatan di D&I. "

31 March 2017

Tya Meithia

" DNI skin centre best of skin care "

30 March 2017

Komang Suardana

" Thanks DNI... sneng banget perawatan disini... pelayanannya bagus banget... Theraphys dan karyawannya ramah-ramah... Pokoknya puas banget... "

30 March 2017

Camar Gang

" Bagus "

03 August 2016

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  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM