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About Clandy's Grosir Udayana

Clandy's Grosir Udayana is a clothing store, located at Kompleks Pertokoan Udayana Blok 34AB - 36AB, Jl. Letda Made Putra, Dauh Puri, Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80232, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 361 254346 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 48

Radhitya Adzan Hidayah

" best and cheap, diapers specialized with more discount, sometimes in formula. Parking only IDR 2K for motor and vehicle. :-): -). this clandy is not bad than the other clandys store "

28 August 2020

Akbar Wibi

" It has the lowest Price of children growing up milk in town, and if you have a membership you will get another discount, with the difference compare to another Store are almost 10%
And the Store also sale many mom and Kids needs with a very competitive Price compare to the other store.. "

10 August 2020

Radhitya Adzan

" Not bad price, more promo, nice parking area with parking man. Only sale baby stuff. Please completed with the newmodel "

19 July 2020

Ika Hapsari

" This is a one stop baby stuffs and equipment store in Yogyakarta. They provide various brands of diapers in affordable price, baby stroller in different price, baby toys like playmat, bouncer, etc, many kind of baby clothes, baby milk, and any other baby needs. The location is quite easy to reach near the main road of Jalan Magelang. Unfortunately in my opinion the staffs aren't really helpful because when I visited this store to buy baby stroller, there were literally no one that had the personal iniciative to help me out explaining the products or answer my questions. So I decided to move out and cancel my willingness to buy here. This is quite an issue that has to be solved by the store management "

04 July 2020

Nika Woelan

" Virtual membership keeps error, additional charge for credit card, medium to low quality apparels, affordable price, large store, has many branches "

31 January 2020

Fathna Sa'adati

" nice "

19 August 2018

Fathna Sa'adati

" nice "

19 August 2018

Kupit Dogen

" Known as baby supplier. But this one is also sell snack, drink, fruit, vegetables, stuff. It's more like supermarket. Cheap price also. "

22 May 2018

Tigger Zee

" Supermarket for baby, mother and kid's needs.
Also carry daily needs at affordable price, if you are a member. Non member has a slightly higher price (not much, unless you're buying baby formula) for all the goods. Open as early as 8am and closes at 10pm.

Big and spacious parking space that can fill up fairly quickly at night, or after work time "

15 May 2018

Dhimas Baskoro

" Great price especially if you are a member. You can find a lot of affordable items for your kids. Clothings, utensils, formula milk powder, soaps, linen, stroller. Tehy also have another items as mini markets usually provide. Members get lower price. There are 2 prices in every price tag. For non members and for members with difference around 5-10%. EACH. "

11 May 2018

Rekian Dewandaru

" Good place to find bany stuff "

05 May 2018

Yuanita Mirza

" Usually I will buy my baby formula milk here. They have a cheap price than other store especially for member. But i just confuse if you will pay with Credit card or even debit card from other bank and they didn't have the IDC machine they will charge you 2% from the total price :(FYI they only have BCA and mandiri IDC machine. "

19 April 2018

Angel Angel

" Recommended place in bali to buy baby stuff here such as diapers, milk powder, wet tissue, etc
With good price of course. They have many store in Bali. All same price "

05 April 2018

Jayadi Hadinata

" Almost anything you need to buy for your baby.. they offer membership card, you can get special price for all item.. with one time member fee you van get cheap product. Compare to other supermarket, the price is relatively lower. They sell kids toy on second floor, from tricycle upto electric cars. Good customer service, nice staff, helpfull and always cheerful.. overall worth to visit to complete your monthly needs. Recommend.. "

30 January 2018

Husain Batara Akbar

" Nearest place for shopping. One stop shopping.. Has a lot of promo espeacially baby stuff 👶🍼 "

12 January 2018

Ajeng Fitria Riski

" It is advisable to have a member card to get greater discount. "

09 January 2018

Oknika Dwi Untari

" great place for shopping diapers, baby milk, breastfeeding supplies and more. Easy noticed from traffic. Lower price. "

09 January 2018

Dunia Rindira

" Cheap, recommended for baby equipment and daily needs. If you looking for some milk or baby needs, but need to be patient and require cash because there is credit card fee if you don',t bring any cash "

05 January 2018

Indra Kadek Sujana

" Tempat yang murah untuk beli keprluan anak ...teruma susu dan perlengkapannya dan ada susu untk dewasa juga..dan jangan lupa buat kartu member...agar dapat potongan harga... "

24 December 2017

Abdurrobbi Maghzaya

" Good for basic need...but limited option "

03 November 2017

Ms Rharra

" Popok , susu, lengkap murah paling murah dibanding toko lain aplg ada harga member, tapi

Tapiiiiiiiiii staffnya super gak sopan, masak sambil ngerumpi masalah. Pribadi mslh cowok sih pas ada pelanggan lg bayar, gak bisa di pantry aj ya ngrumpinya??? Management tolong donk staffnya ditekankan sikap di depan pelanggan. "

16 October 2017

Rieke Givani

" For Baby daily basic store this is a worth place, especially if you have the member card.. "

21 September 2017

Krisnugraha Herpribudi

" Good place to look for baby and kids stuff "

12 September 2017

Muhammad Al Mahdi

" Provide almost all of my baby needs "

24 August 2017

Kamal H

" Not too fond of this store business model but the stock is quite diverse "

12 August 2017

Tutik Pita Handhayani

" This store has various kinds of baby and kid needs, like clothes (not the branded one), diapers, baby soap and shampoo, wipes, toys, etc. The price is very competitive and if you have member card, there are up to 10%-ish discount on most of the products. Too bad the only have few cashiers so when I purchase something there, I have to wait in a long queue. "

16 July 2017

Ayu Oktavia Kristianti

" Good supermarket and cheap price in Jimbaran Nusa Dua "

10 July 2017

Charles Jusung

" I think this place is the best clandy's outlet in Kuta. Many option of toiletries and they sometimes giving a quite big discount "

15 June 2017

Rinda Rahayu

" Keperluan baby "

09 June 2017

Teja Nirvana

" All for babies and kids stuff "

03 June 2017

Fannie L

" Supermarket for baby, mother and kid's needs.
Also carry daily needs at affordable price, if you are a member. Non member has a slightly higher price (not much, unless you're buying baby formula) for all the goods. Open as early as 8am and closes at 10pm.
Big and spacious parking space that can fill up fairly quickly at night, or after work time "

05 May 2017

Annisa Syaufika Yustisia Ridwan

" Cheapest place to buy diapers, especially Mamy Poko. "

07 April 2017

Insan Mandiri Grha

" harganya murah dan lengkap, banyak Promo, menjadi member lebih banyak potongan harga, mantap. "

03 April 2017

Rai Supriadi Regawa

" Kids needs and convenience store. Prices are cheaper for members. "

22 March 2017

Arel Foto

" nice "

16 March 2017

Hedy Shinta

" Karyawan kurang ramah. Barang Lengkap, tapi saat datang(waktu itu) barang yang dicari malah tidak ada "

13 February 2017

Damar Kahono

" Toko perlengkapan balita dan anak. harga lebih murah jika anda sudah terdaftar sebagai member. "

17 January 2017

Ahmad Ali Fahmi

" One of the famous place to buy baby milk. "

10 January 2017

Fuad Fauzi

" Koleksi susu dan perlengkapan anak cukup lengkap. Harga promo di tanggal 1 - 4 setiap bulan, dan/atau dengan Kartu Anggota. Menerima pembayaran dengan Kartu Debit/Kredit. "

30 September 2016

Joni Jatmika

" Harga bersaing, bisa debit, promo lumayan hanya saja staff perlu lebih mengerti pelanggan terutama dlm tata tutur yg lbh bersahabat dan sopan "

27 September 2016

Grenk Gila

" Offer cheap(est) price for kid's formula and suply "

26 September 2016

Pili Ani

" Clandy's terlengkap dan termurah belanja sangat memuaskan tolong diperbanyak toko clandy'snya thanks clnandy's "

11 September 2016

Deanita Puspitasari

" Sy pelanggan setia clandys sejak anak sy masih berusia 1 thn..
Enfagrow 3 awalnya paling murah,skrg semakin mahal.. dan sering lebih murah di t4 lain.. :( "

28 August 2016

Nurdin Syafi'i

" Belanja petlengkapan bayi di sini oke "

10 August 2016

Hidayat Abdullah

" Tempat berbelanja kebutuhan balita dan anak yang cukup lengkap dan murah "

17 July 2016

Nyoman Dharma Adi Prabawa

" This is a good place to buy baby formula and diapers/nappies. The formula and diapers collection are relatively complete and the prices are competitive compared to other baby stores around. Recommended to become a member to take advantage of the discounts. "

12 July 2016

Juan Fitrianto

" Perlengkapan bayi nya lengkap banget.
Ada diskon khusus untuk member. "

06 July 2016

Zhul Fiqry

" I Will Go To There "

04 September 2015

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