" Good place with a beautifull view but too hard for finding this place from map, u must to talk to the people near that place "
12 March 2019
CampurNyampur Kradukan
" This place is just amazing. Hard to find but really worth to visit "
27 December 2018
Novita Listyani
" Love this hill. "
13 November 2018
Agus Budiyasa
" Chill life but remember don't litter "
18 August 2018
Kayekano Ottawa
" The view was stunning, but the goverment need to really take care about the road on the way to this place. Because lot of villages need a good access to help their activities. Good place for camping, and don't trash please.
Stop illegal logging too! "
18 July 2018
Dwie Bri
" Mau melihat gunung agung secara utuh ini tempatnya "
29 April 2018
Uwe Schüler
" Wenn das Wetter passt, herrliche Panoramablicke möglich. Einzigartige Natur und absolute Ruhe, fast schon mystisch. "
11 February 2018
" Tempat yang sangat indah bisa melihat Gunung Agung, Gunung Lempuyang, Gunung Batur dan bukit2 lainnya serta pemandangan ke laut. hanya perlu kemampuan yang memadai dalam berkendara karena jalannya lumayan jelek dan medannya cukup berat. "
22 November 2017
Ferry Fernando
" Akses masuk agk rancu musti keliling bukit kata orang sana "
" Good place with a beautifull view but too hard for finding this place from map, u must to talk to the people near that place "
12 March 2019CampurNyampur Kradukan
" This place is just amazing. Hard to find but really worth to visit "
27 December 2018Novita Listyani
" Love this hill. "
13 November 2018Agus Budiyasa
" Chill life but remember don't litter "
18 August 2018Kayekano Ottawa
" The view was stunning, but the goverment need to really take care about the road on the way to this place. Because lot of villages need a good access to help their activities. Good place for camping, and don't trash please.
18 July 2018Stop illegal logging too! "
Dwie Bri
" Mau melihat gunung agung secara utuh ini tempatnya "
29 April 2018Uwe Schüler
" Wenn das Wetter passt, herrliche Panoramablicke möglich. Einzigartige Natur und absolute Ruhe, fast schon mystisch. "
11 February 2018I MADE SUDARMA
" Tempat yang sangat indah bisa melihat Gunung Agung, Gunung Lempuyang, Gunung Batur dan bukit2 lainnya serta pemandangan ke laut. hanya perlu kemampuan yang memadai dalam berkendara karena jalannya lumayan jelek dan medannya cukup berat. "
22 November 2017Ferry Fernando
" Akses masuk agk rancu musti keliling bukit kata orang sana "
30 August 2017Richard Tuwo
" Nice place to camp "
21 August 2017Wayan Kerteyasa
" Alam yang begitu indah "
02 July 2017Kadek Purnawan
" Tempat yang asyik "
17 February 2017