" Very quite place, beautifull scenery. I wish I could stay here at anytime. "
04 May 2018
De Javasche
" Bukit yang menjorok ke lautan samudra hindia. Terdapat beberapa pulau karang kecil di lepas pantai. Bukit diapit oleh 2 pantai yang indah. "
12 April 2018
Agus Slamet
" Keep clean ! Enjoy the nature 🙏🏼 "
31 December 2017
Marvin Santoso
" Awesome hidden scenery at east bali, you can find clear and blue water side to side with high hill. This place is fit for camping.... and the road to this place has been upgraded this year. "
29 October 2017
Anna Setiyani
" Get ther at the afternoon around 2-5 PM. You can sit around at the edge of the cliff and enjoy the view. If the sky is clear you can see Nusa Penida from afar. "
09 September 2017
Cedric Saveuse
" Beautiful views over Bugbug's Virgin Beach and Gili Biaha's diving site. Great place to fly a drone! "
12 July 2017
Arik Rusty
" Fantastic view. Just need to get the right spot and we will get the great one "
01 July 2017
Michaela Zöchner
" Nice view "
24 March 2017
Tony Loman
" Spectacular ... 🎋🎋🎋 "
05 March 2017
Sandro Armanda
" Came here about two months ago. There were constructions here and there, decided to walk to Virgin Beach instead. "
13 February 2017
Tonny Setiawan
" Jan 2017, something going on here. Now the hill isn't spectacular, because someone build a resort here, so messy and confusing. Dirt and rubble everywhere, they cut the hill for road or something, many heavy equipment moving around, many worker too.
So you must walk to find some little hidden place to enjoy the view. The path now so rough even for motorcycle, so be careful when you go there. But still you can enjoy Virgin beach on the way back from the hill..... "
25 January 2017
Gede Suyasa
" Nice view ,and good place for camping "
19 January 2017
Komang Tirtayasa
" Nice "
21 December 2016
Yan Pur
" Tempat ini sepertinya belum begitu ramai. Karna saat saya kesana hanya ada warung" yg sudah tidah beroperasi. Mungkin tempat ini lebih ccok digunakan untuk yg suka kemah di luar rumah. Tapi kalo soal pemandangan tempat ini memang top. Backgroun tebing dan beberapa pulau serta 1 pulau yg disebut pulau paus membuat tempat ini menjadi bagus untuk berfoto. Untuk mencapai bukit ini qta tidak disarankan untuk membawa mobil. Karna akan sangat jauh berjalan menuju bukit akibat jalan yg sempit. Jadi jgan coba" bawa mobil kesini yaa gees "
Ketut Sujana
" Very quite place, beautifull scenery. I wish I could stay here at anytime. "
04 May 2018De Javasche
" Bukit yang menjorok ke lautan samudra hindia. Terdapat beberapa pulau karang kecil di lepas pantai. Bukit diapit oleh 2 pantai yang indah. "
12 April 2018Agus Slamet
" Keep clean ! Enjoy the nature 🙏🏼 "
31 December 2017Marvin Santoso
" Awesome hidden scenery at east bali, you can find clear and blue water side to side with high hill. This place is fit for camping.... and the road to this place has been upgraded this year. "
29 October 2017Anna Setiyani
" Get ther at the afternoon around 2-5 PM. You can sit around at the edge of the cliff and enjoy the view. If the sky is clear you can see Nusa Penida from afar. "
09 September 2017Cedric Saveuse
" Beautiful views over Bugbug's Virgin Beach and Gili Biaha's diving site. Great place to fly a drone! "
12 July 2017Arik Rusty
" Fantastic view. Just need to get the right spot and we will get the great one "
01 July 2017Michaela Zöchner
" Nice view "
24 March 2017Tony Loman
" Spectacular ... 🎋🎋🎋 "
05 March 2017Sandro Armanda
" Came here about two months ago. There were constructions here and there, decided to walk to Virgin Beach instead. "
13 February 2017Tonny Setiawan
" Jan 2017, something going on here. Now the hill isn't spectacular, because someone build a resort here, so messy and confusing. Dirt and rubble everywhere, they cut the hill for road or something, many heavy equipment moving around, many worker too.
25 January 2017So you must walk to find some little hidden place to enjoy the view. The path now so rough even for motorcycle, so be careful when you go there. But still you can enjoy Virgin beach on the way back from the hill..... "
Gede Suyasa
" Nice view ,and good place for camping "
19 January 2017Komang Tirtayasa
" Nice "
21 December 2016Yan Pur
" Tempat ini sepertinya belum begitu ramai. Karna saat saya kesana hanya ada warung" yg sudah tidah beroperasi. Mungkin tempat ini lebih ccok digunakan untuk yg suka kemah di luar rumah. Tapi kalo soal pemandangan tempat ini memang top. Backgroun tebing dan beberapa pulau serta 1 pulau yg disebut pulau paus membuat tempat ini menjadi bagus untuk berfoto. Untuk mencapai bukit ini qta tidak disarankan untuk membawa mobil. Karna akan sangat jauh berjalan menuju bukit akibat jalan yg sempit. Jadi jgan coba" bawa mobil kesini yaa gees "
06 October 2016Julian Durroux
" Beautiful view "
20 September 2016