BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Denpasar
About BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Denpasar
BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Denpasar is located at Jl. Gatot Subroto Tim. No.221, Tonja, Denpasar Utara, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80234, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 1 500 400, visit their website bpjs-kesehatan.go.id for more detailed information.
Mahadewi X
" I like it a lot tbh. only one thing that bothers me is the customer service attitude who wasnt quite friendly. Rushing me away when the time was not up yet. literally disappointing. "
13 April 2018Dwi Herlambang
" Good cooperation of employee,excellent service,only need an air conditioner/freshner at the backhall "
22 November 2017Bagus Suyoga
" Crazy crawded office. Customer service system so worst. "
16 November 2017Shinta U
" Super fast with great services. Moved my BPJS to Bali and it took me less than half an hour. "
17 September 2017I Wayan Budi Raharja
" Good service. Just need better system for the queue. "
16 September 2017Jessica Levi
" Well well well... "
12 September 2017Made Kartha
" Indonesia health insurance denpasar branch "
07 September 2017Joni Jatmika
" The information and office centre are split into two area at this place. One in the front and another at the back. Fortunatly the security man here is provided a skill on handling any inquiries comes from the BPJS members. I used to proceed everything at the old office in Renon. As usual, it is always crowded with people who want to make new registration or even just asking few information. Hopefully things are better in the future as now the main building in Renon is finished of being renovated. "
04 September 2017Vidiyanto Yastika
" tidak beres.... telp susah nyambung... datang juga antri... pelayanan apa ini?? "
07 July 2017Dskmd Dwijuliantari
" costumer service sulit sekali dihubungi...mempersulit komunikasi. mohon untuk ditindaklanjuti. pelayanan telepon CS sangat tidak memuaskan. "
31 May 2017Jaya Santika
" Akhirnya pindah faskes bisa lewat aplikasi, ga usah lagi antre lama2 "
08 May 2017Nurse Ira
" Ne bpjs niat gk sich kerjanya,,,sesibuk apapun yg namanya sbuah perusahaan hrusnya selalu melayani pelanggannya, msak ditelpun dr pagi smpe siang jam 1 gk diangkat2, emgnya yg jd CS cma satu doank "
02 May 2017Nita Darmayanti
" ada no telpon yg tertera tapi ga pernah ada yg angkat.. apakah ga ada petugas yg jaga?? "
25 April 2017STAR 4 Maksi Unud
" 2,5jam nunggu antrean, sudah dipanggil eh dapet no antrean lagi. Masuk ke dalem pegawai istrirahat. Klop sudah penderitaan di siang yg panas, bawa anak kecil rewel, akhirnya pulang males balik lagi "
11 April 2017Ery Scorpio
" Susahnya menggunakan bpjs padahal kewajiban membayar tidak pernah telat...sudah mengikuti prosedur tapi di rs dipersulit...mohon pihak bpjs berkoordinasi dengan pihak rs agar dipermudah dan 1 lagi kalo mencantumkan no telp ya harus ada petugas yang menerima jangan cuman sebagai pajangan aja dihubungi ga pernah ada yang menerima...terimakasih "
10 February 2017