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About Ayam Betutu Men Tempeh Ferry

Ayam Betutu Men Tempeh Ferry is a restaurant, located at Gilimanuk, Melaya, Jembrana Regency, Bali 82252, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 30

Manik Agra

" Pedes endess... 😈 "

30 April 2018

Nicholas Tirta Dharmawan

" The Best Ayam Betutu in the whole Bali Island. Very delicious and ultra Spicy "

16 April 2018

Ridho Jaya

" Yummy original ayam betutu gilimanuk style. The spicy level is hell yeah. "

22 March 2018

Erik Setiawan

" Nice food "

12 March 2018

Kios Gems

" Beda dgn dlu. Tp oke jg lah.. tetap layak dicobain ya guys "

05 March 2018

Hari Anggono

" It's one of the original betutu chicken in Bali.
Very delicious, soft n tender, and relative cheap.

However, if you think about hygiene, just pass it. "

18 February 2018

Gusti Bagus A.

" Must try !!
If you want it less spicy try the fried "ayam betutu" of course the original one is more tasty but more spicy than the fried one. "

15 February 2018

Fanny Mulyanus

" tasty & spicy.. u should try sambal matah.. a little bit confused about the price.. last time 40k/portion "

08 January 2018

Gustiawan Godi

" Ordered one full Ayam Betutu rebus. It’s delicious and totally chilly hot. Reasonable price. Quick service too "

02 January 2018

Gunawan Santoso

" The best Ayam Betutu in Gilimanuk area, according to my taste. There are a lot similar restaurants that offer the same kind of food, but I just like this one better. "

30 December 2017

Stefani Gabriela

" @stefanigabriela : saya dapat rekomendasi dari salah satu warga lokal yang katanya ini terenak di daerah sini.
Setelah saya coba ternyata benar Super enak. Karena sudah saya bandingkan dengan yang lainnya.
Sambal matahnya mantap.
Pelayanan oke ramah banget. Will come back here kalau mampir ke Gilimanuk. "

28 December 2017

Antok Frans

" ...Balinese "slow food cooking" of Betutu Chicken, it"s hot, and so Balinese.... For everyone who likes hot and spicy... "

23 September 2017

Putu Tonsen

" A well-known warung serving specialized local menu, "ayam betutu" with its strong and spicy taste.
This is a famous among local travellers. "

27 August 2017

Anton Wibowo

" If you come here for the first time, you probable wonder why there are a lot of men tempeh restaurant in 1 area?

Each restaurant bears the same name but different flavor, the most popular is the green colored wall near the exit or the big one near the entrance "

30 July 2017

Nyoman Surya Indradi Yadnya

" The authentic balinese food.. Spicy till 15 minutes after you eat "

13 July 2017

Ghevaldo Geraldio

" Taste the true Balinese cuisine...! The spices here are ferocious, caution advised when eating, especially if you are not used to eating very hot food. The price can be quite expensive, but it is worth the experience that you cannot find anywhere else in Indonesia. The atmosphere is very casual, and comforting, especially for travellers arriving from the nearby Gilimanuk pier. Nevertheless, the chicken itself is delicious, especially in the early morning hours and afternoon, when the chicken haven't watered yet. I believe when it's already nighttime, the chicken might lose flavour because it starts to water, diluting the spices, leaving the hot taste. You can choose between the traditional "sambal matah", which is ground chilli sauteed with slices of red garlic, or "sambal kacang", which is ground chilli mixed with a little water and peanut to form a nutty paste, both of which makes the already spicy chicken, even spicier. Even the vegetables, albeit slightly lacking in taste, is also spicy. Once again, eat with caution! "

03 July 2017

Evan Ericssen

" If you love spicy food, you should go to this place. Its chicken was so spicy and crunchy. "

02 July 2017

Rini Puspitasari

" The best ayam betutu that I ever tasted. Super duper spicyyyy 😍 "

29 May 2017

Surya Atmaja

" Nice, you should try to eat the food here. It's one of the most famous and special Balinese food. "

27 May 2017

Putu Agus

" The spice is kickin' 10/10 would bring a galoon of water. "

11 March 2017

Yustisi Ardhitasari

" Founder of original Ayam Betutu Gilimanuk: Men Tempeh. It is "Ayam Kampung" with (very) spicy seasoning. There is only Ayam Betutu on the menu. "

09 February 2017

Lois Kartini

" Lekker food..spicy food.. luv it "

31 January 2017

Dinda Irnawati

" The taste of food there was so good, and so spicy. Even I can't breath "

16 January 2017

Indra Prayogi

" Other than it is already famous among the culinary lovers, this restaurant just an average for me
Nuthin so special but the "Sambal" is extra hot "

03 January 2017

Andrianus Sembiring

" If you know ayam betutu (one of balinese traditional spicy food), here the original place it come from "

26 October 2016

Antok Frans

" Balinese "slow food" Betutu Chicken, it"s hot, and so Balinese.... For everyone who likes hot and spicy.. "

28 August 2016

Djaiman Toni

" This is the original well known Ayam Betutu Gilimanuk, with its traditional recipe and processing method from the founder called Men Tembeh. There is only 2 choices of Ayam Betutu: Boiled and Fried (based from boiled). if eat there, it comes with water spinach, fried peanut, and 2 kind of chilli. Beware it is hot and spicy. The food stall / warung is moderate. Accessible from old bus station / terminal, and its locate on upper side of the Terminal. "

11 August 2016

Herdi Anto

" Good "

14 July 2016

Kenny Tan

" The Best Ayam Betutu in Bali. Top list in must-do-list everytime i visit Bali "

02 July 2016

I Gede Suryanata

" Weekend list "

22 January 2016

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