" A Nice place for eat in Banda Aceh, the coffee, the noodles, so delicious "
06 May 2018
Nurul Suciana
" most of acehnese gather together in coffe shop, this is one of the best coffee shop in Banda Aceh. "
02 May 2018
Eddy Irawan
" Great coffee, delicious nasi gurih "
06 April 2018
Arif Sentana
" Good place to get breakfast, but overall is a nice place to hangout and chat. "
27 March 2018
Fathir Alfath
" Nice coffee & sanger "
11 March 2018
Syafrizal Umar
" Bathing in a I iiicu you next IRC g FYI TM can be I hi Rx to "
22 February 2018
Sugihartono Ahmad
" Top "
29 January 2018
Riki Akbar
" nice coffee. The location is perfect as it located in the heart of Banda Aceh. Nice place to spend time with your family and friends. The only minus thing is on some occasion it's too noisy "
25 December 2017
Bram Alexander
" Very crowded, not comfort to meeting "
07 December 2017
Cut Aprilia
" It has many branches in the city, yet nothing special about this coffee shop "
03 December 2017
Faiz Surfing
" Jep kupi jeut bek pungo... Kopi Aceh citarasa sepanjang masa.. "
02 November 2017
Jejak Muhak
" Tempat bagus buat nyantai sambil ngopi dan ngewifi. "
01 November 2017
Indratno Pardiansyach
" Nice place to have small discussion with friend. Provided with wi-fi and lot of choice for food and beverages menu to order. "
28 October 2017
Ayal Dinho
" Average coffee shop in aceh "
23 October 2017
Uwo Habibie
" Good "
10 October 2017
" Ask nonggrong "
30 September 2017
Muhammad Falih
" Good food n coffee, nice place "
06 September 2017
Michelle Liù
" Zakir! Zakir! Zakir!
It's good to be back and offer my first Acehness breakast to you.
The one near by the Zainoel Abidin Hospital!
I am always enjoying the vivid atmosphere in this chain coffee shop.
But this is the first time I visit this one.
Zakir is alway full of people, come and go,
no matter it is a meal of a single person or an union of a batchmates,
whatever it is just a simple coffee or it is a full-table of the most ordinary dishes and cakes and pastry.
It is always enjoyable and refreshing, even only with the fans and the open-air.
I think everyone could have his or her own peace in Zakir if they would like to work along.
Or they can always find the hospitality and kindness of people, customers or staffs, at the same time.
Zakir! it's good to be back. "
30 August 2017
Ikram A Baari
" Nice "
26 August 2017
Rachmat Muchtar
" a great place for group hangout. plenty of menus to choose. good coffee. nice service. easy to access by public transportation. taking place in the middle of the town. "
11 August 2017
Alfian Saputra
" Tempat yg ramai "
10 August 2017
Alfi Syahrin
" Nice Hangouts spot "
15 July 2017
Ziqi Fuady
" Very nice place, and people love it "
13 July 2017
Rizqi Putra Utama
" Almost like a workplace for me. I drink coffee and work my freelance job here almost everyday. "
07 July 2017
Alfi Syahrin
" Nice Hangouts spot "
13 June 2017
Yusuf Ucup
" Senang "
24 May 2017
Aliasuddin N Rihat
" Nice place for coffee break "
12 May 2017
Rizki Mufty
" Good place for group discussion. "
07 May 2017
Dadly Design
" ditempat ini kita akan disuguhkan kuliner yg baik dengan pemandangan laut. sangat cocok untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga "
27 April 2017
Prabowo Seto
" Coffee and tea options are good. Its local food options are worth a try. Strongly not recommended for people who don't spicy food. "
19 April 2017
Akhir Syahputra
" Good "
11 April 2017
Taufik Mulia
" Nice cofee "
05 April 2017
Asep Yudi
" Crowd, cozy place to hangout with friends "
11 March 2017
Muhamad Yusuf
" Enjou "
10 March 2017
Ayal Dinho
" Nice coffe "
05 March 2017
Irfan Harahap
" Kopi mantab "
23 February 2017
Heri Mardinal
" The Wifi is suck "
04 February 2017
Fardian Syahreza
" Mie udang disini enak, recomended "
03 February 2017
GWH Entertainment
" Ok "
01 February 2017
Fauzi Rahman
" Mantap kopi n tempat "
31 January 2017
สายจิตร ขุนศักดา Comedy Channel Talking
" Coffee is great! "
09 January 2017
Alvin Murad
" The coffee is good, and the internet too. "
07 January 2017
Sabri Basyah
" Decent place to gather for student.. "
30 December 2016
Hijrah Busmy
" Mangat peu han kopi nyo
😡😖👹💔👎👙💉💣🐚🚾🚺 "
14 December 2016
Reuben Blackie
" Nice coffee, open air atmosphere "
08 December 2016
Mohammad Reza
" Nice place "
02 December 2016
Data Aceh
" Zakir kupi, warkop kolaborasi modern danvtradisional, mantap hanya wspressonya ngak ada "
17 November 2016
Martoenoes Martoenoes
" Cozy "
17 November 2016
Muhammad Zakki
" Cocok untuk berkumpul "
29 October 2016
Agus Fajri Bin Na
" Kopinya enak robusta, tapi kita kadang kayak terpantau. "
09 October 2016
Nelly Masna Barus
" Rasa makanan enak,tpt gaul,pelayanan baik "
24 September 2016
Edi Albizia
" Nyaman + wifi "
23 September 2016
Izza Kamal Haridhi
" Rame disini...
Cocok untuk kumpul kumpul "
16 September 2016
Iqbal Hafidh
" Tersedia nasi soto ayam "
12 September 2016
Blue Sky
" Dimanapun cabangnya selalu bikin kangen "
26 August 2016
Suzuya Mall Banda Aceh
" Salah Satu Tempat Ngopi Modern di Banda Aceh "
19 August 2016
Alfian Noer
" kopinya enak, sayang gak ada espresso disini "
16 August 2016
" Mantap! "
03 August 2016
" Zakir Lampriet. Koneksinya labil. "
03 August 2016
Khalifa Al Ard
" Wifi nya gak sekencang awal awal dulu. Mungkin perlu direset juga. Kopi dan makanannya enak. Cocok lah untuk kantong kita kita. "
01 August 2016
Fajrul Hamdi
" Pelayanannya ramah.dan yg paling utama wifi nya cepat "
25 July 2016
Muhammad Azizi Azizi
" Sangat bagus "
27 June 2016
Mawardi Hasan
" Kopi, mie goreng dan wifi "
25 June 2016
Teuku Fauzan
" enak ga ya "
07 June 2016
Faisy Putra
" Selain asap rokoknya. Cukup nyaman duduk disini, wifi,mie aceh, dimsum, nasi pagi, martabaknya enak. Minumannya juga oke "
10 January 2016
Faisy Putra
" Suka banget tempatnya (kecuali asap rokoknya). Makanan oke, minuman oke, wifi apalagi. Asik deh. "
" Good "
22 May 2018Andre Yusnar
" A Nice place for eat in Banda Aceh, the coffee, the noodles, so delicious "
06 May 2018Nurul Suciana
" most of acehnese gather together in coffe shop, this is one of the best coffee shop in Banda Aceh. "
02 May 2018Eddy Irawan
" Great coffee, delicious nasi gurih "
06 April 2018Arif Sentana
" Good place to get breakfast, but overall is a nice place to hangout and chat. "
27 March 2018Fathir Alfath
" Nice coffee & sanger "
11 March 2018Syafrizal Umar
" Bathing in a I iiicu you next IRC g FYI TM can be I hi Rx to "
22 February 2018Sugihartono Ahmad
" Top "
29 January 2018Riki Akbar
" nice coffee. The location is perfect as it located in the heart of Banda Aceh. Nice place to spend time with your family and friends. The only minus thing is on some occasion it's too noisy "
25 December 2017Bram Alexander
" Very crowded, not comfort to meeting "
07 December 2017Cut Aprilia
" It has many branches in the city, yet nothing special about this coffee shop "
03 December 2017Faiz Surfing
" Jep kupi jeut bek pungo... Kopi Aceh citarasa sepanjang masa.. "
02 November 2017Jejak Muhak
" Tempat bagus buat nyantai sambil ngopi dan ngewifi. "
01 November 2017Indratno Pardiansyach
" Nice place to have small discussion with friend. Provided with wi-fi and lot of choice for food and beverages menu to order. "
28 October 2017Ayal Dinho
" Average coffee shop in aceh "
23 October 2017Uwo Habibie
" Good "
" Ask nonggrong "
30 September 2017Muhammad Falih
" Good food n coffee, nice place "
06 September 2017Michelle Liù
" Zakir! Zakir! Zakir!
30 August 2017It's good to be back and offer my first Acehness breakast to you.
The one near by the Zainoel Abidin Hospital!
I am always enjoying the vivid atmosphere in this chain coffee shop.
But this is the first time I visit this one.
Zakir is alway full of people, come and go,
no matter it is a meal of a single person or an union of a batchmates,
whatever it is just a simple coffee or it is a full-table of the most ordinary dishes and cakes and pastry.
It is always enjoyable and refreshing, even only with the fans and the open-air.
I think everyone could have his or her own peace in Zakir if they would like to work along.
Or they can always find the hospitality and kindness of people, customers or staffs, at the same time.
Zakir! it's good to be back. "
Ikram A Baari
" Nice "
26 August 2017Rachmat Muchtar
" a great place for group hangout. plenty of menus to choose. good coffee. nice service. easy to access by public transportation. taking place in the middle of the town. "
11 August 2017Alfian Saputra
" Tempat yg ramai "
10 August 2017Alfi Syahrin
" Nice Hangouts spot "
15 July 2017Ziqi Fuady
" Very nice place, and people love it "
13 July 2017Rizqi Putra Utama
" Almost like a workplace for me. I drink coffee and work my freelance job here almost everyday. "
07 July 2017Alfi Syahrin
" Nice Hangouts spot "
13 June 2017Yusuf Ucup
" Senang "
24 May 2017Aliasuddin N Rihat
" Nice place for coffee break "
12 May 2017Rizki Mufty
" Good place for group discussion. "
07 May 2017Dadly Design
" ditempat ini kita akan disuguhkan kuliner yg baik dengan pemandangan laut. sangat cocok untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga "
27 April 2017Prabowo Seto
" Coffee and tea options are good. Its local food options are worth a try. Strongly not recommended for people who don't spicy food. "
19 April 2017Akhir Syahputra
" Good "
11 April 2017Taufik Mulia
" Nice cofee "
05 April 2017Asep Yudi
" Crowd, cozy place to hangout with friends "
11 March 2017Muhamad Yusuf
" Enjou "
10 March 2017Ayal Dinho
" Nice coffe "
05 March 2017Irfan Harahap
" Kopi mantab "
23 February 2017Heri Mardinal
" The Wifi is suck "
04 February 2017Fardian Syahreza
" Mie udang disini enak, recomended "
03 February 2017GWH Entertainment
" Ok "
01 February 2017Fauzi Rahman
" Mantap kopi n tempat "
31 January 2017สายจิตร ขุนศักดา Comedy Channel Talking
" Coffee is great! "
09 January 2017Alvin Murad
" The coffee is good, and the internet too. "
07 January 2017Sabri Basyah
" Decent place to gather for student.. "
30 December 2016Hijrah Busmy
" Mangat peu han kopi nyo
14 December 2016😡😖👹💔👎👙💉💣🐚🚾🚺 "
Reuben Blackie
" Nice coffee, open air atmosphere "
08 December 2016Mohammad Reza
" Nice place "
02 December 2016Data Aceh
" Zakir kupi, warkop kolaborasi modern danvtradisional, mantap hanya wspressonya ngak ada "
17 November 2016Martoenoes Martoenoes
" Cozy "
17 November 2016Muhammad Zakki
" Cocok untuk berkumpul "
29 October 2016Agus Fajri Bin Na
" Kopinya enak robusta, tapi kita kadang kayak terpantau. "
09 October 2016Nelly Masna Barus
" Rasa makanan enak,tpt gaul,pelayanan baik "
24 September 2016Edi Albizia
" Nyaman + wifi "
23 September 2016Izza Kamal Haridhi
" Rame disini...
16 September 2016Cocok untuk kumpul kumpul "
Iqbal Hafidh
" Tersedia nasi soto ayam "
12 September 2016Blue Sky
" Dimanapun cabangnya selalu bikin kangen "
26 August 2016Suzuya Mall Banda Aceh
" Salah Satu Tempat Ngopi Modern di Banda Aceh "
19 August 2016Alfian Noer
" kopinya enak, sayang gak ada espresso disini "
16 August 2016Santertainment
" Mantap! "
03 August 2016Santertainment
" Zakir Lampriet. Koneksinya labil. "
03 August 2016Khalifa Al Ard
" Wifi nya gak sekencang awal awal dulu. Mungkin perlu direset juga. Kopi dan makanannya enak. Cocok lah untuk kantong kita kita. "
01 August 2016Fajrul Hamdi
" Pelayanannya ramah.dan yg paling utama wifi nya cepat "
25 July 2016Muhammad Azizi Azizi
" Sangat bagus "
27 June 2016Mawardi Hasan
" Kopi, mie goreng dan wifi "
25 June 2016Teuku Fauzan
" enak ga ya "
07 June 2016Faisy Putra
" Selain asap rokoknya. Cukup nyaman duduk disini, wifi,mie aceh, dimsum, nasi pagi, martabaknya enak. Minumannya juga oke "
10 January 2016Faisy Putra
" Suka banget tempatnya (kecuali asap rokoknya). Makanan oke, minuman oke, wifi apalagi. Asik deh. "
29 November 2015