" Teringat kenangan masa SMA bersama teman sekolah dan juga tempat kami kemping merayakan sebuah acara moment saat sekolah "
04 March 2018
Johann Andrian
" Nice "
21 January 2018
Ari Pamungkas
" Nice park "
26 November 2017
Feronika Sevalis
" Nice place for jogging. Lots of trees. "
26 October 2017
Wawan 21
" Sekarang sudah tak ada lagi taman Cemara dah di larang masuk,,, "
20 October 2017
Irnanto Krisnandi
" There is cheap satay near here. Always crowded on lunch "
09 September 2017
Samie Abdullah
" Park where you can bring your kids to olay. But currently the park is not in a good condition ever since the "kelurahan" has dismantle the plant and facility but fail to reiinstall them "
31 May 2017
Mad Romli
" Tempat orang orang istrahat "
18 April 2017
Puryomi Bocah Bagus
" Indah "
03 April 2017
Sokam Gondrong
" Tempat sejuk dan buat peristirahatan, dan mkn hidangan nasi pecel, bahkan buat pertemuan antar anggota pekerja dan tempat nha sejuk "
03 April 2017
Deny Ardiansyah
" Sejuk,asri bisa tuk piknik piknikan "
20 March 2017
SQ Flyer
" It's okay to rest in park, but there is a lot foodtruck around, i think its a contra view "
31 January 2017
" Ok "
22 November 2016
Andrew Nicola
" Pernah nyasar kesini, tempatnya sejuk banyak pohon "
Ariyantobu Diprasetyo
" Nice place to take a rest for online driver "
12 May 2018Suriadi Adi
" Wisatawan "
05 May 2018Muchlis Md
" Indah memang... "
05 April 2018Kundori 1968
" Top "
26 March 2018The Chagruk
" Teringat kenangan masa SMA bersama teman sekolah dan juga tempat kami kemping merayakan sebuah acara moment saat sekolah "
04 March 2018Johann Andrian
" Nice "
21 January 2018Ari Pamungkas
" Nice park "
26 November 2017Feronika Sevalis
" Nice place for jogging. Lots of trees. "
26 October 2017Wawan 21
" Sekarang sudah tak ada lagi taman Cemara dah di larang masuk,,, "
20 October 2017Irnanto Krisnandi
" There is cheap satay near here. Always crowded on lunch "
09 September 2017Samie Abdullah
" Park where you can bring your kids to olay. But currently the park is not in a good condition ever since the "kelurahan" has dismantle the plant and facility but fail to reiinstall them "
31 May 2017Mad Romli
" Tempat orang orang istrahat "
18 April 2017Puryomi Bocah Bagus
" Indah "
03 April 2017Sokam Gondrong
" Tempat sejuk dan buat peristirahatan, dan mkn hidangan nasi pecel, bahkan buat pertemuan antar anggota pekerja dan tempat nha sejuk "
03 April 2017Deny Ardiansyah
" Sejuk,asri bisa tuk piknik piknikan "
20 March 2017SQ Flyer
" It's okay to rest in park, but there is a lot foodtruck around, i think its a contra view "
" Ok "
22 November 2016Andrew Nicola
" Pernah nyasar kesini, tempatnya sejuk banyak pohon "
03 September 2016Ridho Fahrorozi
" Lumayan buat jalan bersama istri di pagi hari "
27 August 2016