" Nice place to drink coffee, sanger and other.
But litle warm in midday "
03 April 2018
ID Center
" Good "
24 March 2018
Sayed Muchallil
" the Arabica 'sanger' is made specifically to your order... two thumbs up "
27 January 2018
Teuku Syahrul
" nice "
19 December 2017
Muhammad Rizqi Siregar
" Yet another outlet of Solong coffee shops. This place was just opened (for weeks, I was there a month ago). It was a bit noisy, inevitably because of its vicinity to the quite busy road to and from Darussalam. The coffee was OK. If you come for the coffee, the oldest shop in Uleekareng is not too far away. "
22 November 2017
Nurul Isl
" Normal place "
08 November 2017
Dimas Pranoto
" Baik, tempat ini sangat nyaman untuk buat tugas "
18 October 2017
Munawar Satria
" Nyaman, dan sangat cocok untuk tempat berkumpul serta wifian "
10 October 2017
Muna Wir
" Tempat ngopinya paling mantaap "
18 September 2017
Azrul Rizki
" Kopi kualitas tinggi dan enak. Harga yang murah serta tempat yang nyaman dengan wifi yang bagus "
Iqbal Ridwan
" Nice coffee bro "
06 May 2018Rahmad Mirza
" Good "
11 April 2018Atmal Zaki
" Nice place to drink coffee, sanger and other.
03 April 2018But litle warm in midday "
ID Center
" Good "
24 March 2018Sayed Muchallil
" the Arabica 'sanger' is made specifically to your order... two thumbs up "
27 January 2018Teuku Syahrul
" nice "
19 December 2017Muhammad Rizqi Siregar
" Yet another outlet of Solong coffee shops. This place was just opened (for weeks, I was there a month ago). It was a bit noisy, inevitably because of its vicinity to the quite busy road to and from Darussalam. The coffee was OK. If you come for the coffee, the oldest shop in Uleekareng is not too far away. "
22 November 2017Nurul Isl
" Normal place "
08 November 2017Dimas Pranoto
" Baik, tempat ini sangat nyaman untuk buat tugas "
18 October 2017Munawar Satria
" Nyaman, dan sangat cocok untuk tempat berkumpul serta wifian "
10 October 2017Muna Wir
" Tempat ngopinya paling mantaap "
18 September 2017Azrul Rizki
" Kopi kualitas tinggi dan enak. Harga yang murah serta tempat yang nyaman dengan wifi yang bagus "
17 September 2017Gumilang Mohamad Yani
" Nikmatnya kopi khas aceh ada di sini "
28 May 2017