About O'pizza Aceh
O'pizza Aceh is a restaurant, located at Jl. Lampeuneurut-Peukan Gampong Lamkawe, dusun Tuan Sikala,, Biluy, Darul Kamal, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh 23241, Indonesia. Visit their website rusdifoto.blogspot.com for more detailed information.
Sulthan Asli
" Good place "
08 January 2018Suster Greta
" Pizza hut lewat "
17 August 2017Aceh Oil Institute AOI Migas
" The business is not depend on big or small the building owned by, but the taste and the service that offered driving customers become comfortable enjoying the time to try it again and again. "
14 August 2017Nazar Rudin
" Pat lr "
03 August 2017Amex Chou
" The best restaurants hallal food in Aceh.Indonesia "
03 July 2016