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About Museum Aceh

Museum Aceh is a museum, located at Jl. Sultan Mahmudsyah No.10, Peuniti, Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 26

Ray Aziz

" Great place to know the root and history of aceh people. "

24 March 2018

Dato Rohani

" Monument specially constructed in memory of victims of Eqarthquake &Tsunami in Aceh on 26 Dec 2004. Many pictorials, dioramas, videos n artifacts on display. In chamber of prayers the walls are lined with names of deceased. The tunnel walk replicate the 'horrific experience' as described by the lucky survivors. The flags of ALL countries which assisted in kind & financially displayed at gallery . Unfortunately the displays on 3rd & 4th level needed sprucing up due to neglect. "

15 March 2018

Samsudin M Ali

" How the western world dividing the east for their own greed "

21 February 2018

Fathimah Sulistyowati

" Loved the traditional Rumoh Aceh exhibition! It gave you a sense of somehow living in the past! All the things displayed here were realistic. "

31 January 2018

Tomy Zamzami

" If you want to know more about Aceh History. This The best place to visit, You can find out all Acehnese History here. "

16 November 2017

Ryan Rye

" Fascinating history, although tricky for non-Bahasa speakers "

15 October 2017

Ramlee Tamin

" The museum is located next to Makam Sultan Iskandar Muda.
Within its perimeter lies the tombs of Sultan-sultan Bugis Aceh.
Entry fee Rp10,000 for foreigner, Rp3000 local.
There is a big Aceh house, a building with photos display, a canteen and the museum at far left.
Nice to learn Aceh civilization here.
Good documentation of its past.
Aceh used to be a very big empire then.
As Islam arrived here earliest you can see its influence on Aceh culture today.
TQ ibu for giving me a few books to take home. "

07 October 2017

Nafesa Ng

" Good place to learn about traditional Acehnese culture and tradition "

15 September 2017

Mahral Barmawi

" Tempat ini digratiskan tiket masuk saat moment nasional. Arsitektur sangat mantap (sep mantap), bisa untuk relaksasi di sekitar kolam ikan mas. ;) "

05 September 2017

Titi Anggraini

" You can spend your time here to learn about Acehnesse history and find all the thing related to Acehnesse traditions. Also you can explore Rumoh Aceh, a traditional house of Acehnesse. "

10 August 2017

Rizky Ernandi

" A brief Acehnese History. Nearby from central city. Dont need to take a long time. "

15 July 2017

Jery Matheus

" Good "

06 June 2017

Reuben Blackie

" Cool to see the traditional house, but you don't need long here "

05 June 2017


" Ok "

09 May 2017

Zaki Yuddin

" A perfect place to know about Aceh's history, even though you cant understand the full breadth of a history overnight :) "

06 March 2017

Sandra Iranur

" Museum aceh "

26 February 2017

Safriadi Lamba

" Nice museum "

12 February 2017

Khairol Layan

" Amazing "

23 January 2017

Zie Azarenka

" Sayang pukul 17.00 museum sudah ditutup jd kmi selfi di luaran... "

19 January 2017

Jungle Paintbal Jogja

" Terletak di tepi jalan raya,dengan area yang luas museum ini pantas dikunjungi,terdapat rumah adat serta lonceng besar dari Cina. "

27 October 2016

Fardian Syahreza

" Rumoh Aceh di museum ini mempunyai nilai historis "

24 August 2016

Andela Interisti

" Di Museum tersebut kita dapat mengenal sejarah maupun benda-benda yang dipakai pada jaman dahulu di Provinsi Aceh Selain itu terdapat juga 1 lonceng yang bernama Cakra donya "

08 August 2016


" Museum Aceh "

03 August 2016


" Pemandangan sejuk "

16 July 2016


" Museum Aceh termasuk salah satu museum yang memiliki nilai sejarah di Serambi Mekkah. Setiap wisatawan baik lokal atau mancanegara tidak boleh melewatkan spot menarik ini untuk dikunjungi. "

29 May 2016

Tegoeh Raswidhyantoro

" Sedikit Peninggalan Aceh "

14 March 2016

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  • Monday Closed
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM