" If you want to have the famous Aceh noodles as your dinner, this is one of the best place that you should visit in Aceh. This place may not a cozy place, but the noodle is really delicious. Aceh noodles serve with shrimp, crab or meat are really scrumptious! Try it! "
Azhari Lsm
" Enak "
23 May 2018Irfan Rizky
" Luar biasa nikmat "
17 April 2018Maal Abrar
" Mantap dan maknyuss... "
19 February 2018Victor Yasadhana
" If you want to have the famous Aceh noodles as your dinner, this is one of the best place that you should visit in Aceh. This place may not a cozy place, but the noodle is really delicious. Aceh noodles serve with shrimp, crab or meat are really scrumptious! Try it! "
07 February 2018M Andhika Haryadi
" Recomended...... Banget. "
29 January 2018Mohammad Rozaq
" Lumayanlah "
17 September 2017Teuku Fauzan
" Mangat "
19 March 2017BAMBOONG AS
" Mie kepiting olahan cek baha joos "
11 July 2016