" Nice sandy beach for relaxing, swimming, lying on a lazy hammock "
28 April 2018
Rubiana Marwah
" Nice place to spend your weekend gateway with your family 👌. You can swim, play or catch the fish here. "
19 April 2018
Mentari Tarie
" Romantic place to share special sunset moment 💕 "
15 April 2018
Donna Carollina
" Nice place for sunset "
01 April 2018
Irham Anshar
" Crystal clear water! "
15 March 2018
Andri Munazir
" release tukik at Kuala Cut Joels Bungalow, Lampuuk "
13 March 2018
Susilowati Hesti
" This is my favourite beach near from Banda Aceh. Its about 17 kms far. White sanded beach. There are some places spot tourist enjoying lampuuk. 1) Pantai tebing (Joel's Bungalow) view of hill, lake and seashore. 2) Pantai Babah Dua, you'll find some enjoying games here such as banana boat and paint ball games. 3) Pantai Kuala Cut, here is the enjoying place for survers, an international surving competition is held here.
Pantai lampuuk actually opens from 8 Am to 6 Pm, except in Friday it's closed, because friday is a holy day for most of moslems in Aceh.
People usually orders Indomie here, and drinking a fresh coconut water while enjoying the view.
The tickets about Rp 3.000, - /person by motorcycle. Lets come visit Aceh guys :) "
02 January 2018
Eko Kusworo
" The beach is one piece of heaven which down to the earth. It was placed in Banda Aceh region of Indonesia.
You can enjoy this worthful of experience by only spend your $ 2 cents (Rp. 3000) for entrance fare. "
02 January 2018
Hicham Abidallah
" Beautiful place for swimming, surfing, photography, families, the water is clear and warm, it's also romantic for couples 😇😍 "
27 November 2017
Wulan Rannie
" Beautiful beach 🏖, pasir putih, spot foto banyak, cuma buka hingga waktu magrib, 🌅 sunset juga baguss banget "
16 November 2017
Desi Ariyanti Eka Saputri
" Romantic place huhu "
20 October 2017
Michelle Liù
" Actually I've went here for around 2 to three times and this is my visit together with Amanda, Ivy, and Angela.
And this is also my first time, really dig into that water, that amazing sea.
It's so fun and the waves are so amazing!
It's a really pleasant afternoon and the temperature of the sea water is just as fine and cooling.
However, I could feel the wind and also the waves which I never experienced before.
But it was just a much of fun and I was so busy swimming here and there.
There's also banana boat on the sea where you could pay for several rides.
However, you could just swim and enjoy the heavenly like beach and the sea.
And of course, if stay in one of the shelter, you must order some grilled fish or shrimp, for a taste.
It's the best of the world. "
07 October 2017
Addini Islami
" Nice place "
07 September 2017
Rido Reihan
" Even If you are a stone, you will still love this place "
21 August 2017
Tamira Van Wermeskerken
" 5* for the absolutely stunning views, the beautiful blue sea, and the silky smooth sand. -2* for the bloody trash everywhere. There are trash bags, but they seem close to unused. "Is that a used diaper?!" It totally was. "
28 July 2017
Sayed Fahmi
" A stunningly beautiful beach with white sand and clear water. Perfect to visit with family.
Typical food offered here are bbqed fish and fresh coconut drinks.
Mind you that bikinis are deemed inappropriate to local culture and value here. "
17 July 2017
Makhfuzi Fahmi
" White sand, blue ocean water, clean area, there was a hill in the edge of the beach. That's one of beautiful view that i've ever seen! It will be more perfect if you order coconut or kelapa muda or i u in Aceh while enjoyed the view. And if you're looking for a spot to see sunset in Aceh, I strongly reccomended this place! "
16 July 2017
Inneke Hindarto
" Amazing Beach Ever. Aceh Is The Best "
02 July 2017
Ikram A Baari
" Beautifull and nice beach "
24 April 2017
Muhammad Fauzi
" My favorite beach so far. White sand, clear blue water, and fantastic view. The first time I came here was 2008, 4 years after the Tsunami. There was nothing here as far I remember, only bushes and pine trees.
But now, they have several facilities related to tourism; small wooden gazebos where you can enjoy freshly grilled fish, prayer room, restroom. Even though it is still minimal, I definitely will come again. "
13 March 2017
Lylia Thin
" Its the most beautiful beach here .. i loveeee it . Just visited in december 2016. "
23 February 2017
Teaczhey Sinyal
" Nice and romantic place "
08 February 2017
Lusy Riadina
" I love this place when just me and my husband at there so lovable beach "
03 January 2017
Angela Lauren
" Beautiful beach with clean white sand "
11 December 2016
Tania Altyara
" On of the Best beach in indonesia "
27 November 2016
Agus Fajri Bin Najamuddin
" Pantai, ikan bakar "
18 September 2016
Ahmad Zaki
" Good place for enjoy sunset. Food is ok. "
13 August 2016
" Cantik pantai a "
31 July 2016
Tabuty Coffee
" pasir putih
terdapat spot untuk selancar
dan pemandangan yang indah "
29 May 2016
Muhtadi M.Djafar
" Tempat Rekreasi "
24 May 2016
Rizqa Octavira Andini
" A very breathtakingly beautiful beach with the clear water and white sands. We can enjoy our beach time there while having a plate of grilled fish and coconut waters. The foods there are recommended with affordable price too. Kind of hard to reach the destination, but it such a worth place to visit "
05 March 2016
Wanna Ursiripant
" White sands and very beautiful beach with stunning scenery in Aceh. "
21 February 2016
Rizka Nadya
" Pantai Lampuuk adalah salah satu pantai terindah yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Pantai ini buka setiap harinya dari pukul 08.00 -18.00. Kecuali di hari jumat, pantai ini buka pukul 14.00 atau setelah shalat jumat. Untuk masuk ke pantai lampuuk kamu diwajibkan membayar Rp.3000/orang. Selanjutnya kamu bisa menikmati pantai dengan ombak yang indah, ikan bakar yang menggungah selera, dan tentunya es kelapa yang menyegarkan. Jika kamu mau menikmati matahari terbenam, disini juga salah satu spot terbaik untuk menikmatinya. Tunggu apalagi, cek kalender, pilih waktu cuti dan ayo datang ke Aceh. :) "
K Kriznoy
" Nice sandy beach for relaxing, swimming, lying on a lazy hammock "
28 April 2018Rubiana Marwah
" Nice place to spend your weekend gateway with your family 👌. You can swim, play or catch the fish here. "
19 April 2018Mentari Tarie
" Romantic place to share special sunset moment 💕 "
15 April 2018Donna Carollina
" Nice place for sunset "
01 April 2018Irham Anshar
" Crystal clear water! "
15 March 2018Andri Munazir
" release tukik at Kuala Cut Joels Bungalow, Lampuuk "
13 March 2018Susilowati Hesti
" This is my favourite beach near from Banda Aceh. Its about 17 kms far. White sanded beach. There are some places spot tourist enjoying lampuuk. 1) Pantai tebing (Joel's Bungalow) view of hill, lake and seashore. 2) Pantai Babah Dua, you'll find some enjoying games here such as banana boat and paint ball games. 3) Pantai Kuala Cut, here is the enjoying place for survers, an international surving competition is held here.
02 January 2018Pantai lampuuk actually opens from 8 Am to 6 Pm, except in Friday it's closed, because friday is a holy day for most of moslems in Aceh.
People usually orders Indomie here, and drinking a fresh coconut water while enjoying the view.
The tickets about Rp 3.000, - /person by motorcycle. Lets come visit Aceh guys :) "
Eko Kusworo
" The beach is one piece of heaven which down to the earth. It was placed in Banda Aceh region of Indonesia.
02 January 2018You can enjoy this worthful of experience by only spend your $ 2 cents (Rp. 3000) for entrance fare. "
Hicham Abidallah
" Beautiful place for swimming, surfing, photography, families, the water is clear and warm, it's also romantic for couples 😇😍 "
27 November 2017Wulan Rannie
" Beautiful beach 🏖, pasir putih, spot foto banyak, cuma buka hingga waktu magrib, 🌅 sunset juga baguss banget "
16 November 2017Desi Ariyanti Eka Saputri
" Romantic place huhu "
20 October 2017Michelle Liù
" Actually I've went here for around 2 to three times and this is my visit together with Amanda, Ivy, and Angela.
07 October 2017And this is also my first time, really dig into that water, that amazing sea.
It's so fun and the waves are so amazing!
It's a really pleasant afternoon and the temperature of the sea water is just as fine and cooling.
However, I could feel the wind and also the waves which I never experienced before.
But it was just a much of fun and I was so busy swimming here and there.
There's also banana boat on the sea where you could pay for several rides.
However, you could just swim and enjoy the heavenly like beach and the sea.
And of course, if stay in one of the shelter, you must order some grilled fish or shrimp, for a taste.
It's the best of the world. "
Addini Islami
" Nice place "
07 September 2017Rido Reihan
" Even If you are a stone, you will still love this place "
21 August 2017Tamira Van Wermeskerken
" 5* for the absolutely stunning views, the beautiful blue sea, and the silky smooth sand. -2* for the bloody trash everywhere. There are trash bags, but they seem close to unused. "Is that a used diaper?!" It totally was. "
28 July 2017Sayed Fahmi
" A stunningly beautiful beach with white sand and clear water. Perfect to visit with family.
17 July 2017Typical food offered here are bbqed fish and fresh coconut drinks.
Mind you that bikinis are deemed inappropriate to local culture and value here. "
Makhfuzi Fahmi
" White sand, blue ocean water, clean area, there was a hill in the edge of the beach. That's one of beautiful view that i've ever seen! It will be more perfect if you order coconut or kelapa muda or i u in Aceh while enjoyed the view. And if you're looking for a spot to see sunset in Aceh, I strongly reccomended this place! "
16 July 2017Inneke Hindarto
" Amazing Beach Ever. Aceh Is The Best "
02 July 2017Ikram A Baari
" Beautifull and nice beach "
24 April 2017Muhammad Fauzi
" My favorite beach so far. White sand, clear blue water, and fantastic view. The first time I came here was 2008, 4 years after the Tsunami. There was nothing here as far I remember, only bushes and pine trees.
13 March 2017But now, they have several facilities related to tourism; small wooden gazebos where you can enjoy freshly grilled fish, prayer room, restroom. Even though it is still minimal, I definitely will come again. "
Lylia Thin
" Its the most beautiful beach here .. i loveeee it . Just visited in december 2016. "
23 February 2017Teaczhey Sinyal
" Nice and romantic place "
08 February 2017Lusy Riadina
" I love this place when just me and my husband at there so lovable beach "
03 January 2017Angela Lauren
" Beautiful beach with clean white sand "
11 December 2016Tania Altyara
" On of the Best beach in indonesia "
27 November 2016Agus Fajri Bin Najamuddin
" Pantai, ikan bakar "
18 September 2016Ahmad Zaki
" Good place for enjoy sunset. Food is ok. "
13 August 2016BAMBOONG AS
" Cantik pantai a "
31 July 2016Tabuty Coffee
" pasir putih
29 May 2016terdapat spot untuk selancar
dan pemandangan yang indah "
Muhtadi M.Djafar
" Tempat Rekreasi "
24 May 2016Rizqa Octavira Andini
" A very breathtakingly beautiful beach with the clear water and white sands. We can enjoy our beach time there while having a plate of grilled fish and coconut waters. The foods there are recommended with affordable price too. Kind of hard to reach the destination, but it such a worth place to visit "
05 March 2016Wanna Ursiripant
" White sands and very beautiful beach with stunning scenery in Aceh. "
21 February 2016Rizka Nadya
" Pantai Lampuuk adalah salah satu pantai terindah yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Pantai ini buka setiap harinya dari pukul 08.00 -18.00. Kecuali di hari jumat, pantai ini buka pukul 14.00 atau setelah shalat jumat. Untuk masuk ke pantai lampuuk kamu diwajibkan membayar Rp.3000/orang. Selanjutnya kamu bisa menikmati pantai dengan ombak yang indah, ikan bakar yang menggungah selera, dan tentunya es kelapa yang menyegarkan. Jika kamu mau menikmati matahari terbenam, disini juga salah satu spot terbaik untuk menikmatinya. Tunggu apalagi, cek kalender, pilih waktu cuti dan ayo datang ke Aceh. :) "
01 December 2015