" Salah satu tempat kopi di Pulang Wangi Wangi (Kepulauan Wakatobi) "
04 May 2018
Martin Hardiono
" tempat hang out yang oke di wangi-wangi "
30 April 2018
Dedy Tampuk Na Bolon
" Good bagus mantab "
20 April 2018
Christyanto Sumule
" Nice place, sorry no wifi... Please talk to each other... ✌️ "
13 April 2018
Mukhamad Denica Elsa
" ke Aceh belum lengkap kalo belum ngopi... "
08 April 2018
Misha Van Der Ven
" Good coffee place who know what they are doing. Espresso was fine and the Vietnam drip was nice to try and comparable to the Vietnam taste. The prices are affordable and the staff is more than friendly. If you like coffee and you stay in Wanci, this is a suitable coffee bar! "
06 April 2018
Tedjaalvin Tedjaalvin
" Nice "
08 March 2018
Riza Zulhadi
" Luar bisa "
09 February 2018
Adek Ki
" Coffee is alright here... "
01 February 2018
Rijan Lery
" Galon spbu tpin punti bersih.ada toilet selalu bersih tempat singgah aman dan terpercaya .dan juga mushalla untuk sholat ada disampingnya lagi warung kopi bisa nikmati coffe ..pokoknya nyantai habis "
22 January 2018
Charles Pierre Joe Hendrico
" Kopi Sanger "
21 January 2018
Muharil Ariel
" Tempatnya nyaman "
14 January 2018
Olie Ibrahim
" Open from 8 am until 2 am.
I love Arabica coffee with milk called Sanger
Mpek Mpek and Dinsum are available hereArabica coffee "
25 November 2017
Joanna McRae
" Good coffee and Milo Giant! But dont like vaping "
Naya Irstah
" Blm ada wi fi "
30 May 2018RM. Fa'iq Zia El Hakam P.
" Salah satu tempat kopi di Pulang Wangi Wangi (Kepulauan Wakatobi) "
04 May 2018Martin Hardiono
" tempat hang out yang oke di wangi-wangi "
30 April 2018Dedy Tampuk Na Bolon
" Good bagus mantab "
20 April 2018Christyanto Sumule
" Nice place, sorry no wifi... Please talk to each other... ✌️ "
13 April 2018Mukhamad Denica Elsa
" ke Aceh belum lengkap kalo belum ngopi... "
08 April 2018Misha Van Der Ven
" Good coffee place who know what they are doing. Espresso was fine and the Vietnam drip was nice to try and comparable to the Vietnam taste. The prices are affordable and the staff is more than friendly. If you like coffee and you stay in Wanci, this is a suitable coffee bar! "
06 April 2018Tedjaalvin Tedjaalvin
" Nice "
08 March 2018Riza Zulhadi
" Luar bisa "
09 February 2018Adek Ki
" Coffee is alright here... "
01 February 2018Rijan Lery
" Galon spbu tpin punti bersih.ada toilet selalu bersih tempat singgah aman dan terpercaya .dan juga mushalla untuk sholat ada disampingnya lagi warung kopi bisa nikmati coffe ..pokoknya nyantai habis "
22 January 2018Charles Pierre Joe Hendrico
" Kopi Sanger "
21 January 2018Muharil Ariel
" Tempatnya nyaman "
14 January 2018Olie Ibrahim
" Open from 8 am until 2 am.
25 November 2017I love Arabica coffee with milk called Sanger
Mpek Mpek and Dinsum are available hereArabica coffee "
Joanna McRae
" Good coffee and Milo Giant! But dont like vaping "
22 October 2017Mamas Muji
" Sip
15 July 2017Ngopi yuk "
Dos Net
" Tempat aman dan nyaman "
11 January 2017Igho 5mdpl
" Keren banget "
22 November 2016