Kanasha Bistro & Boutique N Cafe is a cafe, located at Gampong Jawa, Langsa Kota, Langsa City, Aceh 24375, Indonesia
" Many choice of snack & meal, nice taste for cold expresso coffee "
" Nice place for talking everything "
" Take around 30 minutes to get the orders ready while busy hours. But the taste is good. "
" Nice palce to visit with family, but the parking space to small. "
" Cozy place, its fun to bring your friend an family. They have a lot of menus, from traditional, modern and western, etc "
" Delicious food n beverage, cozy place to relax after works "
" Recommended place "
" Not bad "
" So like resto "
" Tempatnya nyaman untuk nongkrong. Menu makanan dan minumannya banyak. Sangat direkomendasikan. "
" Tempat kongkow-kongkow tapi tidak ada WiFi jika listrik padam. "
" I love burger "
" Tempat nya sih enak.. Tapi sedih pas kemarin mau pesan steak.. Katanya ada tapi trus ga tahunya habiis "
" Ok "
" Menu bisa buat lidah, tapi harga untuk porsi kecil di kota lumayan mahal di bandingkan kota besar lainnya. Mungkin karena masih kurang pesaing "
" Boleh la jadi tempat nongkrong "
" makanan nya enak,tempat nya strategis best lah "
" Menunya bnyk, t4nya dan dekor oke, parkir nya agak susah... "
" Tempat nya kekinian bgt.. makanan nya jg enak.. top deh pokoke "
" Lumayan lah milkshakenya "
" The place is good, but they need to improve the service. The crews need to improve their hospitality. "
Zuraida Zr
" Many choice of snack & meal, nice taste for cold expresso coffee "
07 July 2020Rayyan Rey
" Nice place for talking everything "
10 March 2020Harry Kurniawan
" Take around 30 minutes to get the orders ready while busy hours. But the taste is good. "
06 January 2020Mohammed Irham
" Nice palce to visit with family, but the parking space to small. "
02 January 2020Rahmadsyah Putra
" Cozy place, its fun to bring your friend an family. They have a lot of menus, from traditional, modern and western, etc "
27 November 2019Agus Stipan
" Delicious food n beverage, cozy place to relax after works "
20 September 2019Najib El-Millah
" Recommended place "
21 July 2019Muhammad Iqbal
" Not bad "
05 April 2019Khairinda Prahasti
" So like resto "
06 February 2019Afdhalul Rizqi
" Tempatnya nyaman untuk nongkrong. Menu makanan dan minumannya banyak. Sangat direkomendasikan. "
" Tempat kongkow-kongkow tapi tidak ada WiFi jika listrik padam. "
09 April 2018Janurul Aina
" I love burger "
12 February 2018Irma Lindavrya
" Tempat nya sih enak.. Tapi sedih pas kemarin mau pesan steak.. Katanya ada tapi trus ga tahunya habiis "
07 February 2018H Gunawan Tanjung
" Ok "
26 November 2017Beni S.n
" Menu bisa buat lidah, tapi harga untuk porsi kecil di kota lumayan mahal di bandingkan kota besar lainnya. Mungkin karena masih kurang pesaing "
15 October 2017Ariani Haslin
" Boleh la jadi tempat nongkrong "
01 October 2017Agit Amay
" makanan nya enak,tempat nya strategis best lah "
02 July 2017Ikhsan Suheri
" Menunya bnyk, t4nya dan dekor oke, parkir nya agak susah... "
27 June 2017Ade YUli
" Tempat nya kekinian bgt.. makanan nya jg enak.. top deh pokoke "
06 May 2017Tasa Andrean
" Lumayan lah milkshakenya "
05 March 2017M Farid
" The place is good, but they need to improve the service. The crews need to improve their hospitality. "
16 September 2016