About Hero
Hero is located at JL Pasar Pagi, No. 21, Lhokseumawe, Lhoksumawe, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh 24314, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-6268-1165 for more detailed information.
Hero is located at JL Pasar Pagi, No. 21, Lhokseumawe, Lhoksumawe, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh 24314, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-6268-1165 for more detailed information.
Miss Yan
" Nice places clean and complete ... fresh fruit also served here, many option of food and snacks too ... like it "
10 June 2018Pink Berry
" Fresh foods, vegetables & fruits. See their daily promo "
05 June 2018Inda Inda
" Nearest supermarket in kotawisata, complete variant of products, good quality, but little bit pricy compare with gs supermarket legenda wisata "
04 June 2018Novizar Nazir
" Toko sekaligus pembuat Sepatu dan Sandal dari bahan kulit. Buatannya bagus dan tahan lama. Harga sebanding dengan kualitas produk. "
15 May 2018Sesuka Anda
" Bagus "
12 May 2018Norman K
" this place is very comfy, not too many people walk around here, sell only high quality products, price expensive, suitable for bule, it's ok for occasional urgent visit, free parking. "
02 May 2018Ranafis Photo Studio
" Jagoan "
" So good. "
17 April 2018Mira Octiana
" There is a little park in front of Hero. It so nice for spend my time with my favorite music and enjoy with view on around "
04 April 2018Cindy Pasaribu
" Pandangan saya terhadap pelayanan Hero Supermarket Living World hari ini sangat buruk saat seorang Kasir (Herlina Febrianti) tidak tegas utk antrian. Memprioritaskan proses pembayaran customer lain yang tidak berada dalam antrian, sebelum customer yang berada dalam antrian (dengan pembelaan customer tersebut sebenarnya tadi sudah mengantri, namun terlupa membeli barang yang lain, kemudian mempersilahkan cust. menitipkan barang belanjaannya sementara di kasir sebelah yang tidak dibuka, dan setelah ybs telah kembali lalu kasir memprioritaskan pembayaran customer tidak mengantri tersebut di hadapan cust2 yang berada dalam antrian diproses. Dan kami yang protes, tidak digubris. What the..?).
06 March 2018Cara Kasir tersebut yang tutup kuping saat ditegur membuat saya bertanya bagaimana Hero mengajari karyawan memperlakukan customer? Walau saat saatnya kami diproses, Kasir minta maaf sekedarnya (maaf, saya bisa merasakan minta maaf yang sekedarnya agar masalah cepat selesai), tapi saya tetap menilai Karyawan Hero tersebut tidak benar melayani, saya pikir jelas bahwa Hero bukan Fasilitas Umum yang ada kursi/pelayanan prioritas untuk Manula (customer tadi manula yang kurang bijak dalam berkata kepada kami), Ibu Hamil, Disable person, dan infant. Saya kecewa karyawan Hero Living World tidak Profesional.
Saran saya agar Hero berbenah membina karyawan. Sebagai pelanggan Hero Living World, saya totally kecewa.
Smoga Hero Living World lebih baik lagi. "
Just Sej
" I like this place. They sell a lot of fresh food and many products have English labels. "
20 January 2018Yunus Riza
" Cozy supermarket. Prices bit higher than other but more quality you will get "
09 January 2018Rekatours ID
" Medium size supermarket, complete enough for daily needs. There is also a drugstore. Price is a bit high compare to other similar supermarket. Tne place is convenient for shopping, ATM from many banks are available. "
24 November 2017Andre Alim
" Quite on the expensive side but they have some imported goods.. "
20 November 2017Suci Chii
" A VERY cozy place. Love it. There are many imported snacks and ingredients "
05 November 2017Muhammad Hudzaifah
" Expecting affordable prices? Then you have to go to traditional market outside. However if you expect a cozy place for shopping daily needs, here it is. "
23 October 2017Gemma Natalia
" Batagor and somay resto here, along with excelso coffee shop and ice cream stall, completed with various ATM, and no parking fee. "
19 September 2017Wibisana Jusuf
" Great grocery selections at this supermarket. Many local and imported stuffs. "
13 September 2017Hery Yusman
" Not as complete as other supermarkets. But love the new renovation which makes it looks clean and modern. The fresh bakeries is a plus. "
09 September 2017Jeffry Tanamal
" There are modern market and cafe around this place. You can also find restaurant and massage service next to the modern market. "
06 September 2017Mariana T
" Love to shopping at here. Love the ambience. This place also have cafe to chilled out. "
22 August 2017Alexander Iwan
" Love this place, cozy, clean and tidy.
29 July 2017A bit pricey but compensated by good quality "
Mulia Yusuf
" Great Hero traditional store but this one is modern, very different with other hero stores.
09 July 2017Not big but it helps you a lot and comfortably. "
Adam Vickry
" Ok "
30 June 2017Nagi Sanzenin
" A good supermarket "
11 May 2017Muhammad Kio
" too expensive "
28 April 2017Edwin Lumanto
" Lot of items. "
03 April 2017Fierza Albussydney
" Expensive for a supermarket but i like the atmosphere "
19 March 2017Yosep Widian
" Setelah pindah tempat jadi agak sempit "
12 March 2017Yoka Sutra
" Tempat nyari peralatan oancing terlengkap sekota blitar..check pecinta pancing "
10 February 2017Adam Sutan Indra
" hand made shoe store. you can order your shoes here "
29 December 2016Muhammad Yusuf
" Bagus juga..lengkap... "
18 November 2016Rika Ellen
" tempatnya lagi di renov untuk saat ini, see you soon "
03 November 2016Hero Agoes Santoso
" Just like my name... "
20 September 2016Dela Erawati
" Some imported goods available, a bit pricey, small place "
08 September 2016Hamdan Dahlan
" Best Hero supermarket in Jakarta from interior atmosphere and items display. Clear in-store signage and good lay out. "
28 May 2016Damien Couriou
" Good choice "
18 November 2015