" a cheap and completed mini market in Banda Aceh "
24 December 2017
Eques Tenebris
" The goods available quite complete. The prices are cheaper than other stores. But, the parking lot is rather small so it's difficult to park especially when driving a car. Also the location is near the traffic lights junction. Must be more careful if you want to cross, to avoid accident. "
09 December 2017
Yusniar 89
" Belanja murah "
26 November 2017
V Acroen
" Sangat memuaskan "
29 September 2017
Anita Suryatama
" Barang lengkap dan harga terjangkau "
22 September 2017
Fitri Rayadi
" Good mini market "
13 September 2017
" Murah dan ok "
02 August 2017
Dedy Saputra
" Harga barang lumayan murah "
29 June 2017
Muhib Muhib
" Barang lengkap dan murah "
23 May 2017
Fardian Syahreza
" Berbelanja disini lumayan murah jika dibandingkan dengan belanja di swalayan lain, rekomendasi untuk belanja. "
Roy Satriadi
" Murah dan meriah "
21 April 2018Am Ry
" Ok "
10 February 2018Rijan Ismail
" a cheap and completed mini market in Banda Aceh "
24 December 2017Eques Tenebris
" The goods available quite complete. The prices are cheaper than other stores. But, the parking lot is rather small so it's difficult to park especially when driving a car. Also the location is near the traffic lights junction. Must be more careful if you want to cross, to avoid accident. "
09 December 2017Yusniar 89
" Belanja murah "
26 November 2017V Acroen
" Sangat memuaskan "
29 September 2017Anita Suryatama
" Barang lengkap dan harga terjangkau "
22 September 2017Fitri Rayadi
" Good mini market "
13 September 2017THE FILOSOFIS
" Murah dan ok "
02 August 2017Dedy Saputra
" Harga barang lumayan murah "
29 June 2017Muhib Muhib
" Barang lengkap dan murah "
23 May 2017Fardian Syahreza
" Berbelanja disini lumayan murah jika dibandingkan dengan belanja di swalayan lain, rekomendasi untuk belanja. "
01 March 2017