Dian Rana Hotel dan Restaurant
About Dian Rana Hotel dan Restaurant
Dian Rana Hotel dan Restaurant is a lodging, located at Jl. Tapaktuan - Subulussalam, Lhok Bengkuang, Tapak Tuan, Kabupaten Aceh Selatan, Aceh 23711, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7776-0594 for more detailed information.
Mike Saddam Ali
" Good "
01 September 2020Eco Sudrajat Hutahaean
" Sea view and mountain view. Nice view from the hotel balkon. "
03 March 2020Eco Sudrajat Hutahaean
" Sea view and mountain view. Nice view from the hotel balkon. "
03 March 2020Bernard Pangaribuan
" Sea-view Rooms. Great "
21 February 2020Bernard Pangaribuan
" Sea-view Rooms. Great "
21 February 2020Adrian Tejedor
" Expensive for it's rather low quality. Breakfast of traditional Aceh dishes was not at all tasty. Nice views of the striking coastline though. "
20 January 2020Adrian Tejedor
" Expensive for it's rather low quality. Breakfast of traditional Aceh dishes was not at all tasty. Nice views of the striking coastline though. "
20 January 2020Tomy Mulia Hasan
" Small rooms, bad breakfast. Lots of improvement needed, but it has a stunning view to the beach ! "
15 December 2019Satya Rahadhian
" The most representative hotel in Meulaboh "
10 November 2019Ariri Nandara
" Sea view 😎 "
09 August 2019Altakavir Adam
" Only available standard hotel in aceh Selatan. Its beach facing, so there is alot of fresh sea air. Rooms are OK, as there are not many options. Need more maintenance. Place is located in the city Tapaktuan, there is an indomaret nearby. "
26 May 2019Nazriatun Nisa
" I like this place.. Its super close to the sea and the facility is okay "
06 May 2019Suherni Ismail
" Great view, but need more service especially cleanse "
26 February 2019Ftwi Yohaness Hagos
" The breakfast was delicious with traditional Indonesian food. "
09 December 2018Munji Asshiddiqi
" Actually i dont really know this place "
21 November 2018Daniel Steven Doxazo Sitompul
" A good cheap priced hotel. The bathroom is not really good for international tourist because the closet is not an sitting closet, more to an indonesian traditional closet. The ocean view is amazing, really good view in the morning. Great place to stay but the foods arent good. Not far from the city centre, just buy food at the city centre. "
20 August 2018Raja Maulana
" Great view near the beach "
11 April 2018Bima Np
" Bersih rapi "
08 April 2018Diaz Firdaus
" nice views "
25 February 2018Ruli DeGreat
" Strategic location, thats all.. rooms, especially bathrooms, are way below my expectation as the largest hotel in Tapaktuan. But if you just looking for sea view room on the side of main road.. you got it "
13 February 2018Qonita Addina
" don't like everything in this hotel, mostly the toilet. i cant even explain how awfull the toilet is. and the air conditioner has an off timer that could not be changed so it went off every 10 minutes "
15 January 2018Iwan Mulya
" Best view . "
23 September 2017Andi Lim
" Nice views and good place... "
19 May 2017Wiliyanto Cen
" Wisatawan tidak bisa turun ke bibir pantai untuk bermain berhubung ombaknya yg kuat,selain itu ada saluran pembuangan kamar mandi yg tersumbat. Wifi internet nya buruk sekali padahal hotelnya boleh di bilang lumayan karena di tepi pantai,tamu bisa menikmati pemandangan pantai dan mendengar gemurunya ombak di laut. Harga kamar memang terbilang sedikit mahal. Walau demikian recepsionisnya cukup ramah tamah dan baik. Tapi di pagi
28 April 2017hari brackfastnya siapa cepat dia dapat lho guy so buat yg mau sarapan harus main cepat sebelum kehabisan karena masakannya boleh di bilang sangat pas di mulut dan enak lho friends. Hahaha... "
Robert McKinnon
" Nice views of Tupak Tuan and amazing sunsets "
10 March 2017Sudar Sono
" Dian Rana hotel pokoknya beda dgn hotel yg lainnya, hotel yg di tepi laut membuat pemandangan jd indah.... "
13 February 2017Muhammad Zaki
" Kamar bersih aman nyaman, tarif murah kamar delux cuma 350 ribu per malam, pemandangan mantap buka pintu kamar langsung pantai... "
31 January 2017Azhari Ai
" The Legend Hotel "
13 January 2017Fauzia Harry
" Karena pada sore hari bjsa lihat langsung gimna indahnya sunset "
17 December 2016Keith Scully
" Old Hotel but not much choices is your there "
15 September 2016Ozy Yuliandini
" A cheap hotel for nice view "
23 August 2016M. Taufan Alwi
" Hotel dengan view lautan di tapaktuan, tempat yang eksotis dan termasuk hotel yang tertua di tapaktuan, yang paling berkesan adalah di sebelahnya ada makan pagi yang terkenal di tapaktuan menyediakan lontong dan nasi gurih "
19 August 2016