About Beeje Coffee Company
Beeje Coffee Company is located at Komplek PT. Arun, Jalan Dumai No. 39, Batuphat, Batuphat Barat, Muara Satu, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh 24353, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7777-7672, visit their website www.beejecoffee.com for more detailed information.
Starly Hartono
" Selain kopinya yg enak, banyak juga pilihan makanan "
22 May 2018Nando Fernando
" One of best coffee shop in IDI rayeu city,, they serve good gayo coffee in barista brew,, "
22 April 2018Erick Saul
" They serve second best coffee in Idi area. I recommend to try wine coffee as it is very unique. They also serve snack if you are going with a group of friends. Open until late night. "
11 April 2018Santo Wangsa
" Nice place "
01 March 2018Harri Firmansyah
" Good coffee ☕ "
19 January 2018Ucok Maimun
" Ok "
27 December 2017Dedi Rangkuti
" Nice coffee "
10 December 2017Teuku Muhammad Rizki Mulia
" Kopi enak di idi "
28 October 2017H Gunawan Tanjung
" Ok "
07 October 2017Dede Muzzawali
" Its ok "
05 October 2017Ari Putra
" Ini tempat ngopi favorit di idi rayeuk + makan ringanya..maknyus "
08 August 2017Buddi Wah
" Tempat yg pass bgi pnkimat kopi so lokasi yg tepat bgi rider n driver utk mnghilangkan rsa cpek so bisa lncar smp tujuan...., salam kopi hitam "
18 July 2017Baihaqqi Boy
" Cita rasa kopi yg begitu khas,dan tempat y strategis... "
08 June 2017Ody Aja
" Kurang pelayana nya "
30 May 2017Rizki Pratama
" Yuk kita ngopi "
22 May 2017Fauzan Mitra
" Kopi nya passsss buanget "
25 April 2017Jumarli Joe
" Mobile Coffee, Maknyus.. gayo arabica ori coff "
13 March 2017Nuri Rizka
" Pas buat pencinta kopi. Free wi-fi, pelayanannya Bagus. Tempat yang strategis dan yang paling penting, disini tempat menunya anak muda. "
13 February 2017TV Broek
" Nyaman di sini, rekomendasi banget buat ngopi di sini "
05 February 2017Sandiri San
" Kopi olahan siap saji,,, mantap.. "
15 January 2017Icha Muzakkir
" Ada dim sum nya "
31 December 2016Andri Asmara
" Tempat nya asik buat nongkrong. Bisa juga di reserve untuk Birthday Party. Yang pasti KOPI nya "hana lawan" a.k.a. Mantap! "
17 October 2016Andri Asmara
" Kopi nya mantap punya! Chocolatie aroma & full bodied "
17 October 2016Andri Asmara
" They do have awesome world class coffee. Gayo Arabica Coffee, one of the best coffee in the world. "
16 October 2016Muhammad Zakki
" tempatnya cocok untuk santai bareng teman2... Rasa kopi gayonya kental banget... "
12 September 2016Deny Hidayat
" Arabica coffee: Espresso, americano, sanger, vietnam coffee maker, chocolate "
02 August 2016