ATM Bank Mandiri Hotel Harmoni
About ATM Bank Mandiri Hotel Harmoni
ATM Bank Mandiri Hotel Harmoni is an atm, located at Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 20, Paya Bujok Seuleumak, Langsa Baro, Kota Langsa, Aceh 24375, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 52997777, visit their website for more detailed information.
Nurhandi Piliang
" Not bad.. price quiet high "
02 February 2020Pansam Groove
" Bad hotel with high prices "
13 January 2020Nurma Wati
" Very bad hotel! The room is poorly lit (just 2 ligths on of 6 lights), smelly especially bathroom with the broken door, no hot shower! The very irritating thing is the air conditioner is way too hot, not functioning! "
25 December 2019Nurma Wati
" Very bad hotel! The room is poorly lit (just 2 ligths on of 6 lights), smelly especially bathroom with the broken door, no hot shower! The very irritating thing is the air conditioner is way too hot, not functioning! "
25 December 2019Zikria_ Budiman
" I got room Number 109 in first floor. I t has beautifull twin bad. look lik old style and has clean bad. After we living in.. I smell the bad smell..smell like pup smell. I feel unconfortable and try to hide into my blanket. but the smell still made me dizzy. At least i swicht off the air conditionar and the air come normally. no bad smell or no need to hide inside the blanket to avoid any smell. I hope the management can solve this problem. it is very anoying. I cant sleep till 1 am because of this matter. So guys before chosing room just smell the air and chose the better one. "
17 November 2019Zikria_ Budiman
" I got room Number 109 in first floor. I t has beautifull twin bad. look lik old style and has clean bad. After we living in.. I smell the bad smell..smell like pup smell. I feel unconfortable and try to hide into my blanket. but the smell still made me dizzy. At least i swicht off the air conditionar and the air come normally. no bad smell or no need to hide inside the blanket to avoid any smell. I hope the management can solve this problem. it is very anoying. I cant sleep till 1 am because of this matter. So guys before chosing room just smell the air and chose the better one. "
17 November 2019Mohamad Adan Yusof
" The front deck was at a loss when I presented the bookings. They seem to have a lack of understanding of how the bookings are to be coordinated with the actual check in.
07 October 2019The room allocated was below expectations in the plugs are jutting out of the walls precariously while the toilet hot water fail to function.
The savings grace is it's vicinity to the masjid. "
Mohamad Adan Yusof
" The front deck was at a loss when I presented the bookings. They seem to have a lack of understanding of how the bookings are to be coordinated with the actual check in.
07 October 2019The room allocated was below expectations in the plugs are jutting out of the walls precariously while the toilet hot water fail to function.
The savings grace is it's vicinity to the masjid. "
Ade Yoeli
" Good place "
01 August 2019Aroen Q
" Very comfy..nice for stay and stunning for meeting "
27 April 2019Nanda Akmalia
" Quite nice, the breakfast is good, not too many variant but that is enough for that price.. please improve the bathroom :) "
16 March 2019Nanda Akmalia
" Quite nice, the breakfast is good, not too many variant but that is enough for that price.. please improve the bathroom :) "
16 March 2019Rahma Daniati
" Comfortable place to stay fo a while "
29 December 2018Jamal Aja
" Good atm "
09 December 2018Agus Ibud
" Harga sama kamar tidak sesuai. Harga 400rb dapet tv tabung sama AC yg tidak dingin. Air panas tdk bisa. Tapi dapat sarapan pagi. "
08 November 2018Sonia Ananda
" Had many times been here for Badan Pusat Statistik Langsa training days. The room is clean but unfortunately no hot shower, good clean bed sheet, clean room everyday, nice wifi, nice breakfast, lunch and dinner. The meeting room also great. Overall i like this place. "
01 November 2018Jufri Wahyudi
" Bagus n nyaman "
30 October 2018Rena Nurul Ummah
" service was so-so, facilities was so-so, breakfast menu was less varied "
10 October 2018Soraya Dinamika
" Located at the city center. Near to business crowded. But the room is too small. Breakkie is not too vary.. "
27 September 2018Aming Man
" Sip "
29 April 2018Primata Paradise
" Nice accomodation but i wonder why we have no hot water in our shower on 2nd floor, is it broken or just different price? Nice lunch and dinner, breakfast is indonesian typical like fried rice or tasty lontong sayur. "
13 April 2018Suhra Ilyas
" Posisinya tepat dan strategis. "
09 April 2018Faizul Khan
" One of the good places to stay in Langsa. "
07 April 2018Zulfi NUPTK
" Good itenerary "
27 March 2018Stephan Kitzbichler
" Very poorly managed: Room wasn't prepared, despite reservation, AC in the room didn't work, place full of Mosquitos. "
19 March 2018Edisun Chen
" Tempat ini tutup "
18 January 2018Aep Pranada
" Sangat menyenangkan "
22 December 2017Teddy Rozarius
" Lumayan buat stay dalam bisnis. Hotel the best in town katanya... Tapi dgn fasilitas yg ada, agak mahal sih. "
15 December 2017Endra Gunawan
" Limited facility, not so clean "
13 December 2017Kang Dikdik
" So so... but no other choices "
12 August 2017Putra Husman
" Good Icon "
08 August 2017Muhammad Syahrul
" Nyaman,strategis dan aman "
06 August 2017DA Droid Gamers
" good "
30 July 2017Mohamad Sopian
" Kamar kurang terawat "
27 July 2017Nilam Andalia Kurniasari
" Best hotel in Batam "
10 July 2017Ludwig .West
" Meh.. good enough! "
05 July 2017Ikhsan Suheri
" Sangat membantu krn ada byk atm dr berbagai bank bumn "
28 June 2017Nattalie Richard
" Tiap hari lewat jalannya rusak parah "
21 June 2017Alex Chandra
" Okay for transit "
18 May 2017Maul Ismail
" Ok "
14 May 2017Ade YUli
" Dulu pecahan 50 sekarang 100 hiks "
07 May 2017Lovira Loluna
" Ok "
23 April 2017Veri Hendryanto
" Untuk skelas hotel tersbut sangat lah bagus di banding hotel lain..pokoknya top deh "
13 April 2017Putramandiripools Kolamrenang
" Tempat ketemu owner "
24 March 2017Yudi Framuwijaya
" Sangat nyaman dn fasilitas ok. "
09 March 2017Erwin Dongoran Erwin
" Ok for transit. "
02 March 2017Indra Pratama
" Stategis "
27 February 2017Pramoko Windyawan
" Telpon ruangan tidak berfungsi, sarapan pagi kurang enak, menu tidak bervariasi. Kamar cukup bersih, tapi ada nyamuk. Pelayanan bagus. "
08 December 2016Reuben Blackie
" Newest option in town and probably the best if budget isn't a problem. Rooms are pretty big and there are a selection to choose from. Also has meeting rooms available. Most rooms AC, hot water etc. "
01 December 2016Moes Liem
" Top "
27 November 2016Irwan Hardiansyah
" 1.Gak dapet sinyal hp di dalam kamar, parah, sinyal blank sama sekali
23 October 20162.colokan listrik gantian sama tv, kalo ngecas hp ya gk bs liat tv, klo liat tv gk bs ngecas hp gk ada remotenya, matiin ac gk bisa, ngurangin suhu jg gk bs
4.gk ada selimut, ac on terus jd tidur kedinginan banget
5.naro makanan di meja kok malah disemutin, kok ada semut ya, hadeuh kabelnya gk nyaman diliat (ngebayang gambarnya),
7.Shower mandi masa jd satu sama utk toilet, jorok banget yakin
8.pintu kamar mandi gak bisa ditutup & gk bs dikunci, posisi pintunya kebalik pula
9.resepsionisnya PEMBOHONG, kamar yg paling murah bilangnya penuh, pas pagi2 semua kamar yg kosong dibuka dibersihin sama housekeeping, ketauan deh tuh bohongnya.
Nurul Afrian
" Berada di pusat kota langsa, dekat dgn tempat kuliner. Range harga bervariatif. Parkir luas. (y) "
16 October 2016Muttaqin Ibra
" Nice hotel "
02 September 2016Agus Fajri Bin Najamuddin
" Lumayan nyaman, salah satu pilihan terbaik di kota langsa "
05 August 2016Khalifa Al Ard
" Mohon diperbanyak diskon diskon untuk kamar kamarnya. Parkirannya cukup luas. Wifi nya mohon dijaga kestabilannya. Agak lambat saya lihat wifi nya. Semog lebih baik lagi kedepannya. "
02 August 2016Raull Eduardo
" Room sudah baik,hanya fasilitas Hotel yg harus di tingkatkan. "
11 May 2016Widiatmojo Suseno
" Tempat ATM Mandiri yang nyaman di Kota Langsa "
01 May 2016Willy McSitompul
" Hotel paling besar di langsa. "
09 April 2016Bakso 4242
" ada bakso tulang "
01 April 2016Rony Djado
" Seramm....fotonya kok PISTOL.. MANA NIH MARKETINGNYA.. "
27 February 2016Nura Zetta
" Kosant saya tepat berada di samping hotel ini "
30 July 2015Chopper Man
" Kurang kbersihan. "
11 September 2014Juwita Seviana
" nonton bola bareng sma temen2 di spark hotel "
13 August 2012